Webification (w10n) is an enabling technology that simplifies use of data on the web platform. It has been successfully applied to large and complex science data, such as ones archived by NASA Planetary Data System (PDS).
W10n abstracts an arbitrary data store as a tree, in which two types of entities exist: node and leaf. A node can contain sub-nodes and leaves. A leaf holds data and is terminal. Both node and leaf can have attributes.
W10n uses meaningful URLs to locate inner components of a data store and make them directly accessible via HTTP/HTTPS in ReSTful way. A w10n URL has a form as follows
http://host:port/some_path/webifiable_store/identifier?queryStringString /identifier identifies
All directories are webified.
When a directory is webified, its sub-directories become w10n nodes and files become w10n leaves.
By default, meta info, i.e., content of a dir is displayed in HTML,
/w10n/To have it in json, specify query parameter as ?output=json, e.g.,
Furthermore, one can use glob pattern in URLs to filter the content, e.g.,
/w10n/cassini/cassini_orbiter/coiss_2015/data/1506[12]*/ /w10n/cassini/cassini_orbiter/coiss_2015/data/1506[12]*/W*.IMG/To have the response returned in JSON, specify query parameter as ?output=json, e.g.,
/w10n/cassini/cassini_orbiter/coiss_2015/data/1506[12]*/?output=json /w10n/cassini/cassini_orbiter/coiss_2015/data/1506[12]*/W*.IMG/?output=json
VICAR/PDS and common image files such as GIF, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, etc. are webified.
By default, meta info is returned in JSON format.
Take this VICAR file (a Cassini close-in of Saturn's tumbling moon Hyperion) as an example:
http://.../N1506378403_1.IMGIts attributes and data arrays can be accessed using w10n URLs as follows,
The HTML view provided by ?output=html is a human-friendly browsable interface, which presents URLs above on web pages that one can interact with, e.g.,
http://.../N1506378403_1.IMG/?output=htmlThis interface is available to every webified file and is accessible through a folder icon
The most interesting and powerful examples of webified data come from the brave new world of HTML5. Please visit http://webviz.jpl.nasa.gov to see how webified data can be used on the web platform. Some examples there require webGL for 3D visualization. Please use Google Chrome or Apple Safari browsers for better user experience.
Copyright 2015, by the California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship acknowledged.