CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS20000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "This ERRATA.TXT file reflects any errors or changes made to volumes VG_0013 through VG_0025 of the Voyagers to the Outer Planets CD-ROM series." PUBLICATION_DATE = 1995-09-15 END_OBJECT END ====================================================================== The latest version of this file, and corrected versions of most of the text files listed below are available online through the PDS Imaging Node at: This file is divided into two sections: - Errors Common to Multiple Discs - usually errors in text files that were discovered and corrected during production of the CDs. - Errors Unique to Specific Discs - usually errors related to specific images that were not discovered before the CD was produced, or were discovered but could not be corrected. ====================================================================== Errors Common to Multiple Discs ====================================================================== [000000]AAREADME.TXT - "Selected Images in Range" should be "Images in Range"; corrected on VG_0025 and later discs [000000]VOLDESC.SFD - repeated words in DATA_SET_DESCRIPTION: "This CD-ROM was formatted according to the guidelines specified in the in the document..."; corrected on VG_0024 and later discs - in ADDRESS_TEXT, the MS was updated to from "168-517" to "168-522" on VG_0016 through VG_0024, and then to "168-514" on VG_0025 and later discs - in DATA_SET_DESCRIPTION, "field-of-view" was changed to "field of view" on VG_0025 and later discs [DOCUMENT]VOLINFO.TXT - on the CONTENTS page, corrected and updated the page numbers on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 1, in the 4th paragraph, changed "raster-format" to "raster format" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 3, in the 4th paragraph, changed "acquired when the camera shutter is closed" to "acquired when the camera is pointing at dark sky" on VG_0025 and later discs - moved the line "root to the leaf node. A brief example follows." from page 5 to page 4 on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 6, in the 1st paragraph, changed "Example programs are however provided" to "However, example programs are provided" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 7, in the 6th paragraph, changed "later" to "latter" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 9, in the 2nd paragraph, changed "(^ENCODING_HISTOGRAM - ^ENGINEERING_TABLE)" to "(^ENGINEERING_TABLE - ^ENCODING_HISTOGRAM)" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 11, in the last paragraph, changed "make up" to "made up" and "^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM minus the value of the ^IMAGE" to "^IMAGE minus the value of the ^IMAGE_HISTOGRAM" on VG_0025 and later discs - updated the "VICAR - User's Guide" reference on page 13 on VG_0025 and later discs - on the 1st line of page 17, changed "value, the" to "value. The" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 19, under IMAGE_TIME, changed "acquired," to "acquired;" on VG_0025 and later discs - on page 21, added a period after "bit" in SAMPLE_BIT_MASK" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, changed the "Data Type" column to an "Item" column, with corresponding changes in the column values on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, byte position 1-800, changed "Image scan line samples" to "800 8-bit pixel values." on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, byte positions 801-806 were combined with the following description: Flight Data Subsystem clock count. Bytes 801,802 - FDS clock count Mod 16 (2 byte unsigned integer) Bytes 803,804 - FDS clock count Mod 60 Bytes 805,806 - FDS line count on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, changed the description of byte position 807-808 from: Image line number to: Sequential line number calculated by the Mission and Test Imaging Subsystem during production of the Experiment Data Record. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, changed the description of byte position 831 from: Bits 0-7 identify input type as follows: 0 - S/C flight 2 data Mission Operations Subsystem 1 - S/C flight 1 data Mission Operations Subsystem. 2 - PTM data 3 - Not used 4 - External simulation (SC41) 5 - External simulation (SC42) 6 - S/C flight 2 data test 7 - S/C flight 1 data test to: Bits 0-7 identify input type as follows: 00000000 - S/C flight 2 data Mission Operations Subsystem 00000001 - S/C flight 1 data Mission Operations Subsystem. 00000010 - PTM data 00000011 - Not used 00000100 - External simulation (SC41) 00000101 - External simulation (SC42) 00000110 - S/C flight 2 data test 00000111 - S/C flight 1 data test 00001000 - Internal simulation on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, changed the description of byte position 832 from "Input Source/Input type, bits 1-7 shown below" to "Bits 0-7 identify input source as follows: (equal to 1 if present)" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix D, in byte position 835-836, changed "zered" to "zeroed" on discs VG_0017 through VG_0024 - in Appendix D, in byte positions 833-834 and 835-836, changed "zeroed" to "zero" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 2-6 from: Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused to: File Number Binary count, equal to 0 for the first file and incremented by one for each file written. Physical Sequence Binary count, equal to 0 for the Number first record written on a tape and incremented by one for each subsequent record written. Logical Sequence Binary count, equal to 0 for the Number first record of a file (header record) and incremented by one for each record in the file. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 7-12 from: Earth Received Time Time of first line record in the file containing valid data. Bytes 7, 8 - year (7 bits), day of year (9 bits) Bytes 9,10 - minute (11 bits) Bytes 11,12 - milliseconds to: Earth Received Time Time of first line record in the file containing valid data. Bytes 7, 8 - bits 9-15 = year bits 0-8 = day of year Bytes 9,10 - bits 0-10 = minute Bytes 11,12 - milliseconds (2 byte unsigned integer) on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 69-88 from: GCF Data GCF for the first line record of the file containing valid data. Bytes 69-70 - GCF sync code (MSB) Byte 71 - GCF sync code (LSB) Byte 72 - Source code Byte 73 - Destination code Byte 74 - Block format code Bytes 75-76 - GDD(3-bits),UDT code (7-bits), DDT code (6-bits) Bytes 77-78 - Spacecraft number (7-bits) time (MSB) Byte 79-80 - time (LSB) Bytes 81-82 - Unused (2-bits), day of year (12-bits), block serial number MSB (2 bits) Byte 83 - LSB of block serial number Byte 84 - Millisecond clock Byte 85 - Serial number Byte 86 - GCF configuration status Bytes 87-88 - Unused (13-bits), esc (2-bits) Unused (1 bit). to: GCF Data GCF for the first line record of the file containing valid data. Bytes 69-70 - GCF sync code (MSB) Byte 71 - GCF sync code (LSB) Byte 72 - Source code Byte 73 - Destination code Byte 74 - Block format code Bytes 75-76 - bits 13-15 = GDD code bits 6-12 = UDT code bits 0-5 = DDT code Bytes 77-78 - bit 15 = "0" bits 8-14 = spacecraft number bits 0-7 = time (MSB) Byte 79-80 - Time (LSB) Bytes 81-82 - bits 14-15 = unused bits 2-13 = day of year (This field may be corrupted since the value is often greater than 365.) bits 0-1 = block serial number MSB Byte 83 - LSB of block serial number Byte 84 - Millisecond clock Byte 85 - Serial number Byte 86 - GCF configuration status Bytes 87-88 - bits 3-15 = unused bits 1-2 = esc bit 0 = unused (but usually set to 1) on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 109-114 from: Internal Four binary fields representing Received Time approximate time of data receipt from the DACS: year of century = byte 109 day of year = byte 110 minute of day = bytes 111,112 millisecs in minute = bytes 113,114 to: Internal Four binary fields representing Received Time approximate time of data receipt from the DACS: Byte 109 = year of century Byte 110 = day of year Bytes 111-112 = minute of day Bytes 113-114 = millisecond of minute (2 byte unsigned integer) on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 119-120 from: Format ID Telemetry format ID for this image. bytes 119-120 represent a word with Bits 8-15 = unused Bits 6-7 = format (=2 for imaging) Bits 1-5 = image format code. Note that the code used by the GDS may differ from the code down-linked by the spacecraft: 0=I3G4 12=IM2c 24=IM15 2=IMS 15=GS4 26=IM6 4=IMO 17=GS2 27=IM5 6=IMG 18=IM14 28=IM4 8=IMK 20=IM12 29=IM3 9=IM7 21=IM11 30=IM2 11=IM9 22=IM10 31=IM13 Bit 0 = S/C ID (0=VGR-2, 1=VGR-1) to: Format ID Telemetry format ID for this image. Bytes 119-120 represent a word with Bits 8-15 = unused Bits 6-7 = format (=2 for imaging) Bits 1-5 = image format code. Note that the code used by the GDS may differ from the code down-linked by the spacecraft. The following is a preliminary list of the format codes used for the Jupiter and Saturn phases of the mission (from document MJS77-3-280B). The final version may have been modified slightly: 0=I3G4 14=PB1 24=IM15 1=IM16 15=GS4 26=IM6 2=IM19 17=GS2 27=IM5 9=IM7 18=IM14 28=IM4 11=IM9 20=IM12 29=IM3 12=PB3 21=IM11 30=IM2 13=PB2 22=IM10 31=IM13 The following format codes were used in 1985 (for the Uranus phase of the mission): 0=I3G4 12=IM2c 24=IM15 2=IMS 15=GS4 26=IM6 4=IMO 17=GS2 27=IM5 6=IMQ 18=IM14 28=IM4 8=IMK 20=IM12 29=IM3 9=IM7 21=IM11 30=IM2 11=IM9 22=IM10 31=IM13 The following format codes were used in 1989 (for the Neptune phase of the mission): 0=I3G4 12=IM2c 23=IM26 2=IMS 13=IM23 24=IM15 3=IM20 14=IM24 25=IM25 4=IMO 15=GS4 26=IM2D 5=IM21 16=IM2W 27=IM5 6=IMQ 17=GS2 28=IM4 7=IM22 18=IM14 29=IM3 8=IMK 19=OC3 30=IM2 9=GS4B 20=IM12 31=IM13 10=IM2x 21=IM11 11=GS4C 22=IM10 Bit 0 = S/C ID (0=VGR-2, 1=VGR-1) on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, for all six items in byte positions 121-132, added "Binary number with binary point between bits 6 and 7." - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 163-164 from: Number of Minor Total number of minor frames in this Frames from WBDL file derived from WBDL input. to: Number of Minor For Jupiter and Saturn encounters: Frames from WBDL Total number of minor frames in this file derived from WBDL input. Number of Minor For Uranus and Neptune encounters: Frames from DACS Total number of minor frames in this file derived from DACS input. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, in byte position 171-180, changed "NNNNES+DD" to "NNNNES+DDD" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 181-190 from: Target Body Ten ASCII characters (e.g. MIRANDA). to: Not Used Not used for the Jupiter and Saturn encounters. Target Body Ten ASCII characters (e.g. MIRANDA), for the Uranus and Neptune encounters. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 191-192 from: Input Source/Input Logical sum (result of successive Type inclusive or operations) of word 95 of all line records in the file. to: Input Source/Input Logical sum (result of successive Type inclusive OR operations) of word 95 of all line records in the file. Bits 8-15 = input type Bits 0-7 = input source on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, in byte positions 193-194, changed "all ones for a shuttered image" to "all ones for shuttered images" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, in byte positions 195-196, changed "15-6" to "6-15" and "5-0" to "0-5" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, in byte positions 197-198, enclosed the last sentence of the description in parentheses on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte position "221-220" to "221-230" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, changed byte positions 231-232 from: Pixel Average/ Subcom position 20. Command Status Bits 14-15 = spares Bits 13 = Pixel Average Status Bits 8-12 = Pixel Average is based on the MSBs of all pixels exceeding the programmed threshold of the camera read-out in the previous frame. For data compression formats (IMO, IMQ, IMK, and IM2c) this field is replaced by Command Status Word SC06QT: Bits 15-3 = unused Bit 2 = WA LSB Truncation Flag (0=truncation) Bit 1 = NA LSB Truncation Flag (0=truncation) Bit 0 = Secondary Memory Readout (1=readout) to: Pixel Average/ Subcom position 20. For the Jupiter Command Status and Saturn encounters: Bits 14-15 = spares Bit 13 = Pixel Average Status Bits 8-12 = Pixel Average is based on the MSBs of all pixels exceeding the programmed threshold of the camera read-out in the previous frame. Bit 7 = "0" Bits 4-6 = command bits Bits 0-3 = FDS destination code, where 5 = WA camera, 6 = NA camera. For data compression formats used in the Uranus and Neptune encounters, (IMO, IMQ, IMK, and IM2c) this field is replaced by Command Status Word SC06QT: Bits 3-15 = unused Bit 2 = WA LSB Truncation Flag (0 = truncation) Bit 1 = NA LSB Truncation Flag (0 = truncation) Bit 0 = Secondary Memory Readout (1 = readout) on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, added byte positions 243-244: Not Used Not used for the Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus encounters. Neptune Flag Field For the Neptune ecounter: Bits 2-15 = unused Bit 1 = imaging data compression if set to 1 Bit 0 = IM2W data, where 0 = ISS data 1 = PWS data on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, added byte positions 245-248: Not Used on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, added byte positions 249-1272: Source Data Histogram 256 32-bit binary valued histogram of the pixels for this file. For Saturn encounter images, this includes fill data. For the other planets, fill data is not included. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix E, added byte positions 1273-1280: Reserved For IPL use. Last three words are identical to words 9-11. on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix F, in the 2nd paragraph, changed "data base" to "database" on VG_0025 and later discs - in Appendix F, changed byte positions "312-351" to "312-352", "355-362" to "356-363", and "366-412" to "367-414" on VG_0025 and later discs [INDEX]IMGINDEX.LBL - in IMAGE_FILE_NAME and BROWSE_FILE_NAME, "heirarchy" should be spelled "hierarchy"; corrected on VG_0016 and later discs - in OBJECT = IMAGE_ID, in NOTE, changed "N=Jupiter" to "N=NEPTUNE" on VG_0017, and then to "N=Neptune" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = SAMPLE_BIT_MASK, in NOTE, changed "...the sample value, values are..." to "...the sample value. Values are..."; changed on VG_0025 and later discs [INDEX]INDXINFO.TXT - in the 4th paragraph, changed "data management system, the field width" to "data management system, the starting position of the field, the field width" on VG_0025 and later discs [LABEL]ENGTAB.LBL - switched the order of OBJECT = MTIS_FILE_NUMBER and OBJECT = MTIS_RECORD_ID on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = FIRST_ERT_MILLISECOND, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = LAST_ERT_MILLISECOND, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = FIRST_FDS16_COUNT, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"; also, in NOTE, changed "modula" to "modulo" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = FIRST_FDS60_COUNT, in NOTE, changed "modula" to "modulo" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = LAST_FDS16_COUNT, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER"; also, in NOTE, changed "modula" to "modulo" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = LAST_FDS60_COUNT, in NOTE, changed "modula" to "modulo" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = SCET_MILLISECOND, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = GCF_TABLE, OBJECT = GCF_PARM, changed: OBJECT = SPACECRAFT_NUMBER TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 2 BITS = 7 NOTE = "GCF Spacecraft number." END_OBJECT OBJECT = TIME_ID TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 9 BITS = 24 NOTE = "GCF time ID (msb)" END_OBJECT to: OBJECT = LSB_TIME_ID TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 1 BITS = 16 NOTE = "GCF time ID (lsb)." END_OBJECT OBJECT = SPACECRAFT NUMBER TYPE = UNSIGNED_INTEGER START_BIT = 18 BITS = 7 NOTE = "GCF Spacecraft number." END_OBJECT OBJECT = MSB_TIME_ID TYPE = UNSIGNED_NUMBER START_BIT = 25 BITS = 8 NOTE = "GCF time ID (msb)." END_OBJECT on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = GCF_TABLE, OBJECT = SERIAL_NUMBER, in NOTE, changed "GCF block serial count (lsb)." to "GCF serial number." - in OBJECT = IRT_MILLISECOND, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = IMAGE_FORMAT_ID, changed the table from: 0=I3G4; 12=IM2c; 23=IM26; \n 2=IMS; 13=IM23; 24=IM15; \n 3=IM20; 14=IM24; 25=IM25; \n 4=IMO; 15=GS4; 26=IM6; \n 5=IM21; 16=IM2W; 27=IM5; \n 6=IMQ; 17=GS2; 28=IM4; \n 7=IM22; 18=IM14; 29=IM3; \n 8=IMK; 19=OC3 30=IM2; \n 9=IM7; 20=IM12; 31=IM13. \n 10=IM2x; 21=IM11; \n 11=IM9; 22=IM10; " to: 0=I3G4; 14=PB1; 24=IM15; \n 1=IM16; 15=GS4; 26=IM6; \n 2=IM19; 17=GS2; 27=IM5; \n 9=IM7; 18=IM14; 28=IM4; \n 11=IM9; 20=IM12; 29=IM3; \n 12=PB3; 21=IM11; 30=IM2; \n 13=PB2; 22=IM10; 31=IM13. " on VG_0025 and later discs (see corresponding change in "volinfo.txt") - in OBJECT = MIN_BSNR, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = MAX_BSNR, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = MIN_SSNR, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = MAX_SSNR, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = MIN_AGC, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = MAX_AGC, changed "VAX_INTEGER" to "VAX_BIT_STRING" and added "Binary number with binary point between bits 9 and 10." to NOTE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = IMAGE_ID, in NOTE, changed "NNNNES+DD" to "NNNNES+DDD" on VG_0025 and later discs - deleted OBJECT = TARGET_NAME on VG_0025 and later discs (see corresponding change in "volinfo.txt") - switched the order of OBJECT = INPUT_TYPE and OBJECT = INPUT_SOURCE on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = INPUT_TYPE, in NOTE, changed "inclusive or operations" to "inclusive OR operations" and "Values are:" to "Identify input type as follows:" on VG_0025 and later discs; also changed the following: 0 - Voyager 2; \n 1 - Voyager 1; \n 2 - Proof Test Model data; \n 3 - Not Used; \n 4 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 41); \n 5 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 42); \n 6 - Voyager 2 test data; \n 7 - Voyager 1 test data. " to: 00000000 - Voyager 2; \n 00000001 - Voyager 1; \n 00000010 - Proof Test Model data; \n 00000011 - Not Used; \n 00000100 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 41); \n 00000101 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 42); \n 00000110 - Voyager 2 test data; \n 00000111 - Voyager 1 test data; \n 00001000 - Internal Simulation. " - in OBJECT = INPUT_SOURCE, changed "UNSIGNED_INTEGER" to "BIT_STRING"; also, in NOTE, changed "inclusive or operations" to "inclusive OR operations" and "The values are:" to "Identify input source as follows: (equal to 1 if present)" on VG_0025 and later discs; also changed the following: 0 - Not Used; \n 1 - Real Time data; \n 2 - System Data Record (SDR) tape data; \n 3 - Intermediate Data Record (IDR) tape data; \n 4 - Experiment Data Record (EDR) tape data (reprocessed); \n 7 - Fill data. " to: Bit 1 - Fill data; \n Bit 2 - Not Used; \n Bit 3 - Not Used; \n Bit 4 - Experiment Data Record (EDR) tape data (reprocessed); \n Bit 5 - Intermediate Data Record (IDR) tape data; \n Bit 6 - System Data Record (SDR) tape data; \n Bit 7 - Real Time data; \n Bit 8 - Not Used. " - in OBJECT = SHUTTERED_PICTURE_ID, OBJECT = CAMERA_NUMBER, changed "BIT = 10" to "BIT = 1" - in OBJECT = SHUTTERED_PICTURE_ID, in OBJECT = SHUTTERED_PICTURE_FLAG, changed "START_BIT = 11" to "START_BIT = 2", "BITS = 6" to "BITS = 15", and "for a shuttered image," to "for shuttered images" on VG_0025 and later discs - changed "OBJECT = WORD_INDICATOR_C" to "OBJECT = WORD_POINTER_C" and changed NOTE from "word indicator" to "word pointer" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = PIX_STAT, deleted "For data compression formats (IMO, IMQ, IMK, and IM2c) this field is replaced by Command Status Word SC06QT." and changed: OBJECT = WA_LSB_TRUNC_FLAG BIT = 14 END_OBJECT OBJECT = NA_LSB_TRUNC_FLAG BIT = 15 END_OBJECT OBJECT = SECONDARY_MEMORY_READOUT BIT = 16 END_OBJECT to: OBJECT = COMMAND_BITS START_BIT = 10 BITS = 3 END_OBJECT OBJECT = FDS_DESTINATION_CODE START_BIT = 13 BITS = 4 NOTE = "5 - WA camera, 6 - NA camera" END_OBJECT on VG_0025 and later discs (see corresponding change in "volinfo.txt") - in OBJECT = ISS_ENG, change "ITEMS = 10" to "ITEMS = 9" on VG_0025 and later discs - deleted OBJECT = NEPTUNE_FLAG_FIELD on VG_0025 and later discs (see corresponding change in "volinfo.txt") [LABEL]LINESUFX.LBL - in OBJECT = FDS_MOD16_NUMBER, changed "TYPE = VAX_INTEGER" to "TYPE = VAX_UNSIGNED_INTEGER" on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = INPUT_TYPE, changed NOTE from: NOTE = "Input data type. Logical sum (result of successive inclusive-or operations) of input type values of all line records in the file. Values are: 0 - Voyager 2; 1 - Voyager 1; 2 - Proof Test Model data; 3 - Not Used; 4 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 41); 5 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 42); 6 - Voyager 2 test data; 7 - Voyager 1 test data." to: NOTE = "Input data type. Identify input type as follows: 00000000 - Voyager 2; \n 00000001 - Voyager 1; \n 00000010 - Proof Test Model data; \n 00000011 - Not Used; \n 00000100 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 41); \n 00000101 - External Simulation (DSN spacecraft 42); \n 00000110 - Voyager 2 test data; \n 00000111 - Voyager 1 test data; \n 00001000 - Internal Simulation. " on VG_0025 and later discs - in OBJECT = INPUT_SOURCE, changed NOTE from: NOTE = "Input data source. Logical sum (result of successive inclusive-or operations) of input source values of all line records in the file. The values are: 0 - Not Used; 1 - Real Time data; 2 - System Data Record (SDR) tape data; 3 - Intermediate Data Record (IDR) tape data; 4 - Experiment Data Record (EDR) tape data (reprocessed); 7 - Fill data." to: NOTE = "Input data source. Bits 1-8 identify input source as follows: (equal to 1 if present) Bit 1 - Fill data; \n Bit 2 - Not Used; \n Bit 3 - Not Used; \n Bit 4 - Experiment Data Record (EDR) tape data (reprocessed); \n Bit 5 - Intermediate Data Record (IDR) tape data; \n Bit 6 - System Data Record (SDR) tape data; \n Bit 7 - Real Time data; \n Bit 8 - Not Used. " on VG_0025 and later discs [SOFTWARE]SOFTINFO.TXT - repeated word in last paragraph: "one at at a time..."; corrected on VG_0025 and later discs [SOFTWARE.MAC]MACINFO.TXT - spelling errors ("provied", "fuction", and "intialization") corrected on VG_0016 and later discs - in the section on FORTRAN-language DECOMP Subroutines, changed "contains subroutines:" to "contains the subroutines:" on VG_0025 and later discs [SOFTWARE.PC]PCINFO.TXT - spelling errors ("provied", "fuction", and "intialization") corrected on VG_0016 and later discs - in the section on FORTRAN-language DECOMP Subroutines, changed "contains subroutines:" to "contains the subroutines:" on VG_0025 and later discs [SOFTWARE.UNIX]UNIXINFO.TXT - spelling errors ("fuction" and "intialization") corrected on VG_0016 and later discs - in the paragraph describing the C-language program VDCOMP, "for a input" was changed to "for an input" on VG_0025 and later discs - in the section on FORTRAN-language DECOMP Subroutines, changed "contains subroutines:" to "contains the subroutines:" on VG_0025 and later discs software/vax/vaxinfo.txt - this file initially couldn't be read on Macs and VAXes; this was fixed on VG_0017 and later discs - in the section on FORTRAN-language DECOMP Subroutines, changed "contains subroutines:" to "contains the subroutines:" on VG_0025 and later discs - in the section on FORTRAN-language Program VAXDRIV, changed "with DECOMP object" to "with the DECOMP object file" on VG_0025 and later discs ====================================================================== Errors Unique to Specific Disks ====================================================================== VG_0013 The final field (BROWSE_FILE_NAME) in the file has one fewer characters on VG_0013 than on the other volumes. This was corrected in the file on VG_0025. The following images all have the Earth Received Time (EARTHRCDTM) year listed as "1978" instead of "1979" in their engineering headers and in the; the correct values appear in the file on VG_0025: 14604.13 14614.30 14623.21 14623.23 14623.25 14623.27 14623.29 14623.31 14623.33 14623.35 14623.37 14623.39 14623.41 14623.43 14623.45 14623.47 14623.49 14623.51 14623.53 14623.55 14623.57 14624.16 14641.08 14641.10 14641.12 14641.14 14643.30 14643.37 14643.39 14643.41 14643.43 14646.06 14646.08 14646.10 14646.12 14648.35 14648.37 14648.39 14648.41 14651.04 14651.06 14651.08 14651.10 14653.33 14653.35 14653.37 14653.39 14656.02 14656.04 14656.06 14656.08 14658.31 14658.33 14658.35 14658.37 14661.00 14661.02 14661.04 14661.06 14663.29 14663.31 14663.33 14663.35 14665.58 14666.00 14666.02 14666.04 14668.27 14668.29 14668.31 14668.33 14670.56 14670.58 14671.00 14671.02 14673.25 14673.27 14673.29 14673.31 14675.52 14675.54 14675.56 14675.58 14678.21 14678.23 14678.25 14678.27 14680.50 14680.52 14680.54 14680.56 14683.19 14683.21 14683.23 14683.25 14685.48 14685.52 14685.54 14688.17 14688.19 14688.21 14688.23 14690.46 14690.48 14690.50 14690.52 14693.15 14693.17 14693.19 14693.21 14695.44 14695.46 14695.48 14695.50 14757.45 14757.47 14757.49 14757.51 14760.14 14760.16 14760.18 14760.20 14762.43 14762.45 14762.47 14762.49 14765.05 14765.12 14765.14 14765.16 14765.18 14767.41 14767.43 14767.45 14767.47 14770.10 14770.12 14770.14 14770.16 14772.39 14772.41 14772.43 14775.08 14775.10 14775.12 14775.14 14777.37 14777.39 14777.41 14777.43 14780.06 14780.08 14780.10 14780.12 14782.35 14782.37 14782.39 14782.41 14784.56 14785.04 14785.06 14785.08 14785.10 14787.33 14787.35 14787.37 14787.39 14790.02 14790.04 14790.06 14790.08 14792.31 14792.33 14792.35 14792.37 14794.58 14795.00 14795.02 14795.04 14797.27 14797.29 14797.31 14797.33 14799.56 14799.58 14800.00 14800.02 14802.25 14802.27 14802.29 14802.31 14804.56 14804.58 14805.00 14807.23 14807.25 14807.27 14807.29 14809.52 14809.54 14809.56 14809.58 14812.21 14812.23 14812.25 14812.27 14814.50 14814.52 14814.54 14814.56 14847.05 14847.07 14847.09 14847.11 14849.34 14849.36 14849.38 14849.40 14852.03 14852.05 14852.07 14852.09 14854.32 14854.34 14854.36 14854.38 14857.01 14857.03 14857.05 14857.07 14859.30 14859.32 14859.34 14859.36 14861.59 14862.01 14862.03 14862.05 14864.28 14864.30 14864.32 14864.34 14866.57 14866.59 14876.55 14876.57 14879.20 14879.22 14879.24 14879.26 14881.49 14881.51 14881.53 14881.55 14884.18 14884.20 14884.22 14884.24 14886.47 14886.49 14886.51 14886.53 14889.16 14889.18 14889.20 14889.22 14891.45 14891.47 14891.49 14891.51 14894.14 14894.16 14894.18 14894.20 14896.43 14896.45 14896.47 14896.49 14899.12 14899.14 14899.16 14899.18 14901.41 14901.43 14901.45 14901.47 14904.10 14904.12 14904.14 14904.16 14966.11 14966.13 14966.15 14966.17 14968.40 14968.42 15020.47 15020.49 15020.51 15020.53 15023.09 15023.16 15023.18 15023.20 15023.22 15055.31 15055.33 15055.35 15055.37 15058.00 15058.02 15058.04 15058.06 15060.29 15060.31 15060.33 15060.35 15062.58 15063.00 15063.02 15063.04 15065.27 15065.33 15067.56 15072.52 15072.54 15072.56 15072.58 15075.21 15075.23 15075.25 15075.27 15077.50 15077.52 15077.54 15077.56 15080.19 15080.21 15080.23 15080.25 15082.48 15082.50 15082.52 15082.54 15139.59 15142.22 15142.24 15142.26 15142.28 The engineering headers and the do not contain a valid Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) or Picture Number (IMAGEID) for the following images. The correct values for the IMAGETIMEs appear in the file on VG_0025. Official values for the IMAGEIDs are unavailable, so they were not updated; however, where possible, probable values are listed below. 14834.40 0315J1-052 14864.28 0303J1-051 14894.14 0289J1-050 14924.00 14924.02 14924.04 14924.06 14953.46 0261J1-048 ====================================================================== VG_0014 The engineering headers and the both contain corrupted values for the Picture Number (IMAGEID) of the images 15494.50 and 15495.10. 15495.10 also has the Spacecraft Name (SCNAME) listed as Voyager 2, rather than Voyager 1; these errors have been corrected in the file on VG_0025. ====================================================================== VG_0015 The engineering headers and the both contain corrupted values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME), Picture Number (IMAGEID), and Earth Received Time (EARTHRCDTM) for the images 15843.49 and 15978.06. The correct values for the IMAGETIME and IMAGEID are in the file on VG_0025; correct values for the EARTHRCDTM are unavailable. The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 15656.52 15656.54 15656.58 ====================================================================== VG_0016 The images 16164.19 and 16194.19 have anomalous Spacecraft Event Times (IMAGETIME). The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. The images have also been added to the cumulative anomaly file, "cumanom.txt", on VG_0025. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 16198.19 16198.25 16198.31 16198.37 16198.43 16198.49 ====================================================================== VG_0017 The image 16254.19 has an anomalous Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME); its value has been corrected in the file on VG_0025. The image has also been added to the cumulative anomaly file, "cumanom.txt", on VG_0025. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) The engineering headers and the both contain corrupted values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME), Picture Number (IMAGEID), Earth Received Time (EARTHRCDTM), and Edit Mode ID (EDITMODEID) for the images listed below. 16300.38 and 16300.41 also have the Spacecraft Name (SCNAME) listed as Voyager 2, rather than Voyager 1. The correct values for the IMAGETIME, IMAGEID, SCNAME, and EDITMODEID are in the file on VG_0025; correct values for the EARTHRCDTM are unavailable. 16300.38 16300.40 16300.41 16300.42 The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 16224.33 16224.39 16224.46 16224.52 16224.59 16225.05 16252.10 16252.16 16252.23 16252.29 16252.36 16252.42 16276.57 16277.03 16277.23 16277.29 16277.36 16277.42 ====================================================================== VG_0018 The value for the PROCESSING_DATE is later than the value for the RELEASE_DATE in the "voldesc.sfd" file; these should be reversed. The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) and Picture Number (IMAGEID) for images 16372.33 and 16382.08. The correct values are unavailable, so the file could not be updated. The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 16360.49 16368.33 16368.45 16372.49 16375.41 16377.55 16382.24 16382.45 16382.51 16382.57 16383.05 16389.27 16390.09 16390.53 16391.39 16391.51 16406.11 16406.15 ====================================================================== VG_0019 The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Picture Number (IMAGEID) for the images listed below. Image 16421.16 also does not have a Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME). The correct values are unavailable, so the file could not be updated. However, where possible, probable values have been listed below. 16420.14 0051J1+001 16420.18 0055J1+001 16420.22 0059J1+001 16420.26 0063J1+001 16420.30 0067J1+001 16420.45 0082J1+001 16421.16 The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Instrument Name (INSTRNAME) for the images listed below. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 16733.41 NA 16733.44 WA 16733.47 NA 16733.50 WA 16733.53 NA 16733.56 WA 16733.59 NA 16734.02 WA 16734.08 WA 16734.11 NA 16734.14 WA 16734.17 NA 16734.20 WA 16734.23 NA 16734.26 WA 16734.29 NA 16734.32 WA 16734.35 NA 16734.38 WA 16734.41 NA 16734.44 WA 16734.47 NA 16734.50 WA 16734.53 NA 16734.56 WA 16734.59 NA 16735.02 WA 16735.05 NA 16735.08 WA 16735.11 NA 16735.14 WA 16735.17 NA 16735.20 WA 16735.23 NA 16735.26 WA 16735.29 NA 16735.32 WA 16735.35 NA 16735.38 WA 16735.41 NA 16735.44 WA 16735.47 NA 16735.50 WA 16735.53 NA 16735.56 WA 16735.59 NA 16736.02 WA 16736.05 NA 16736.08 WA 16736.11 NA 16736.14 WA 16736.17 NA 16736.20 WA 16736.23 NA 16736.26 WA 16736.29 NA 16736.32 WA 17366.41 NA 17366.44 WA 17366.47 NA 17366.50 WA 17366.53 NA 17366.56 WA 17367.32 WA 17368.44 WA 17368.59 NA 17369.02 WA 17369.17 NA 17369.20 WA 17369.35 NA 17369.38 WA 17369.41 NA 17369.44 WA 17369.47 NA 17369.50 WA The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 16421.53 16425.23 16425.57 16426.01 16426.05 16427.56 Image 16734.05 is listed in the "anomaly.txt" file in the "CORRUPTED ENGINEERING TABLES" section; it should be in the "RECEIVED BUT SINCE LOST" section. This was corrected in the "cumanom.txt" file on VG_0025. ====================================================================== VG_0020 The value for the PROCESSING_DATE is later than the value for the RELEASE_DATE in the "voldesc.sfd" file; these should be reversed. The following images have anomalous Spacecraft Event Times (IMAGETIME). The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. These images have also been added to the cumulative anomaly file, "cumanom.txt", on VG_0025. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) 17574.19 19131.22 19371.23 19401.23 The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Instrument Name (INSTRNAME) for the images listed below. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 17390.51 NA 17390.54 WA 17390.57 NA 17391.00 WA 17391.03 NA 17391.06 WA The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 17503.40 17503.42 17503.46 ====================================================================== VG_0021 The value for the PROCESSING_DATE is later than the value for the RELEASE_DATE in the "voldesc.sfd" file; these should be reversed. The engineering header and the contain an anomalous value for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) for image 19731.22. The correct value is listed in the file on VG_0025. The image was also added to the cumanom.txt file. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) ====================================================================== VG_0022 The value for the PROCESSING_DATE is later than the value for the RELEASE_DATE in the "voldesc.sfd" file; these should be reversed. The engineering header and the contain anomalous values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) for the following images. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. The images were also added to the cumanom.txt file. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) 20031.22 20061.22 The following images have an incorrect value for the Scan Rate (SCANMODEID) and Edit Mode ID (EDITMODEID). The correct values are in the cumulative index table ( on VG_0025. 20070.53 20070.56 20070.59 20071.02 20071.05 20071.08 20071.10 20071.12 20071.14 20071.16 20071.19 20071.22 20071.25 20071.28 ====================================================================== VG_0023 The engineering header and the contain anomalous values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) for the following images. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. The images were also added to the cumanom.txt file. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) 20391.23 20481.23 20481.24 The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Instrument Name (INSTRNAME) for the images listed below. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 20340.28 NA 20340.32 NA 20340.36 NA 20340.40 NA 20340.44 NA 20340.48 NA 20370.19 NA 20371.02 WA 20374.01 WA 20396.51 WA 20397.21 WA 20402.01 WA 20402.04 NA 20459.50 NA 20460.16 NA 20460.20 NA 20460.23 WA 20460.26 NA 20460.30 NA 20460.33 WA 20460.36 NA 20460.40 NA 20460.43 WA 20460.46 NA 20461.05 NA 20461.08 WA 20461.11 NA 20461.15 NA 20461.18 WA 20461.21 NA 20461.25 NA 20461.31 NA 20461.35 NA 20461.38 WA 20461.41 NA 20461.45 NA 20461.48 WA 20461.51 NA 20461.55 NA 20461.58 WA 20462.01 NA 20462.05 NA 20462.08 WA 20462.11 NA 20462.14 WA 20462.17 NA 20462.20 WA The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 20444.35 20444.41 20444.49 20444.55 20445.03 20445.09 20471.21 20471.27 20473.33 20473.39 ====================================================================== VG_0024 The engineering headers and the do not contain valid values for the Instrument Name (INSTRNAME) for the images listed below. The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 20489.31 WA 20489.47 WA 20521.56 WA 20550.17 NA 20578.16 NA 20581.35 NA 20581.39 NA 20581.43 NA 20581.47 NA 20581.51 NA 20581.55 NA 20581.59 NA 20582.03 NA 20611.55 NA 20611.59 NA 20612.03 NA The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 20497.37 20497.43 20497.49 20497.55 20498.01 20498.07 20616.07 ====================================================================== VG_0025 The engineering headers do not contain valid values for the Picture Number (IMAGEID) for the images listed below. In some cases, the correct values are unavailable, so the and files could not be updated. However, where possible, probable values have been listed below. 16246.11 0406J1-005 20759.39 0612J2+003 20759.43 0616J2+003 20759.47 0620J2+003 20759.51 0624J2+003 20759.55 0628J2+003 20759.57 0630J2+003 20759.59 0632J2+003 The engineering headers contain anomalous or UNKNOWN values for the Spacecraft Event Time (IMAGETIME) for the following images. The correct values are listed in the and files on VG_0025. The images with anomalous times were also added to the anomaly.txt and cumanom.txt files. (See the note in that file for further explanation.) 20631.23 20631.24 20751.23 20759.39 20759.43 20759.47 20759.51 20759.55 20759.57 20759.59 The engineering headers do not contain valid values for the Instrument Name (INSTRNAME) for the images listed below. The correct values are listed in the and the files. 16736.35 NA 16736.38 WA 16736.41 NA 16736.44 WA 16736.47 NA 16736.50 WA 20664.03 NA 20672.07 WA 20673.13 WA 20860.00 WA 20860.36 WA 20861.54 WA 20863.06 WA The engineering headers contain incorrect values for the Edit Mode ID (EDITMODEID) for the following images. The correct values are listed in the and the files. 20662.10 20662.14 20662.18 20662.22 20662.26 20662.30 20662.34 20662.38 20662.42 20662.46 20662.50 20662.54 20662.58 20663.02 20663.06 20663.10 20663.14 20663.18 20663.22 20663.26 20663.30 20663.34 20663.38 20663.42 20663.46 20663.50 20663.54 20663.58 20664.02 The following images had their Filter Name (FILTERNAME) listed as "SODIUM" instead of "NAD". The correct values are listed in the file on VG_0025. 20639.50 20650.36 20660.01 20760.39 The engineering header and file contain an incorrect value for the Exposure Duration (EXPOSUREDU) for image 20649.06. The correct value could not be determined so the file has not been updated. ======================================================================