PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Browser Information" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1996-10-25 END_OBJECT = TEXT END INFORMATION ABOUT THE VIKING LANDER IMAGE BROWSER In this directory are a series of HTML files that provide a simple method for browsing through the Viking Lander image archive. The system is designed to be viewable by many WWW browsers. Your browser must be able to handle HTML tables in order to view the pages properly. To start the image browser, open the INDEX.HTM file from this directory in your WWW browser. If you need detailed instructions on using this image browser, there is additional help available in the HELP.HTM file. There is a separate image browser for images from each Viking Lander. The browser on this CD-ROM only displays images found on this volume. A browse image exists for each PDS archive image. The browse image size is a factor of four smaller in both lines and samples than the archive image. Browse images are contrast enhanced for better viewing of features and are stored in GIF format. Browse images are organized into subdirectories using the same structure as the archive products (see the AAREADME.TXT file). There are five different types of pages in this image browser. The top page (file INDEX.HTM) is the starting point. It has general information about the browser structure. It also links to the data dictionary page, help page, and image directory pages. The data dictionary page contains keyword definitions for parameters in the PDS image label. The help page explains the components of the browser and ways to navigate through the browser. Each browse image directory has an image directory page that links to the individual browse images. Finally, each image has a page that displays the image, some navigation buttons, and keywords and values from the PDS label.