CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1993-07-27 OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Errors found on the MDIM volumes." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mission to Mars Mars Mosaicked Digital Image Model (MDIM) Errata This file describes last minute updates to the MDIM CD-ROMs. The Gazetteer as received from the International Astronomical Union has many problems associated with the minimum and maximum values for the latitude and longitude range of the Mars features. Many of these values were misleading and incorrect. Volumes VO_2001 through VO_2006 have incorrect latitude and longitude ranges and should not be used in your applications. However, the center latitude and longitude values for the features appear to be accurate and can be used with confidence in the great majority of cases. For MDIM volumes VO_2007 through VO_2014 the minimum and maximum values for the latitude and longitude range have been replaced with the center latitude and longitude values for all features. There was insufficient resources to correct these problems at the time of publication of the CDROM volumes. After the production of MDIM volumes 8 to 13 it was found that numerous image files on volume VO_2009 were missing PDS labels at the beginning of the files. In addition, a number of files in one directory of this disk have corrupted histograms or image data. It was also found that a few files on volume VO_2012 were missing PDS labels. A listing of the affected files, and corrected versions of these images are contained in the ERRATA directory of this CD-ROM.