CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 1991-11-05 OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Introduction to this CD-ROM volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mission to Mars Mars Mosaicked Digital Image Model (MDIM) Errata This file describes last minute updates to the MDIM CD-ROMs. The file GAZETTER.LBL in the GAZETTER subdirectory on MDIM volumes VO_2002 through VO_2006 contains an error in the START_BYTE postion for the FEATURE_WIDTH field. The value in these label files is 235, but should be 233. The GAZETTER.LBL file on this volume has been corrected and is the label file that should be used to access the GAZETTEER table (file GAZETTER.TAB). In addition, it was found that the Extended Attribute Records on Volumes VO_2001 through VO_2006 have the Record Attributes set to a value of 0, which is interpreted by the VAX CD-ROM software as a print control carriage control file. This setting precludes files from being copied to magnetic disk with the standard VAX COPY command. The file CDCOPY.COM has been placed in the SOFTWARE\VAX subdirectory of this disk and can be used to copy any image or text files from VAX CD-ROM drives to magnetic disk. To use the program type '@CDCOPY' then specify the input and output file names. The program should be copied to your magnetic disk so it can be used with all six volumes of MDIM image files.