CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of anomalous data present on this Voyager CD-ROM volume." END_OBJECT END This file describes the anomalies present in the images which make up Volume 31 of the "Voyagers to the Outer Planets" collection. In the FDS count range of Volume 31, 35363.06 through 35629.19, several classes of anomalies are found. Each is described below with a list of the FDS counts of the images falling into each class. RECEIVED BUT SINCE LOST ----------------------- These FDS counts were received at the Voyager Ground Data System. However, they were not permanently archived and the preliminary archive magnetic tapes containing the images have been lost. The search for the images will continue. If an image is found, it will be placed on the last CD-ROM volume. 35393.24 35393.31 35393.38 35393.45 35393.52 35393.59 35394.06 35511.44 35513.36 35514.04 35514.18 35514.32 35514.57 35515.00 35515.03 35515.06 INCORRECT EDIT MODE ID ---------------------- These FDS counts have an EDIT_MODE_ID of "2:3" recorded in their PDS labels. The correct value should be "3:5", which is the value that has been entered in the IMGINDEX.TAB file. 35364.09 35364.12 35364.16 35364.19 35364.23 35364.26 35364.30 35364.33 35364.37 35364.40 35364.44 35364.47 35364.52 35364.55 35364.58 35365.01 35365.23 35365.26 35365.29 35365.32 35394.13 35394.16 35394.20 35394.23 35394.27 35394.30 35394.35 35394.38 35394.41 35394.44 35395.06 35395.09 35395.12 35395.15 35423.46 35423.49 35423.53 35423.56 35424.00 35424.03 35424.07 35424.10 35424.14 35424.17 35424.21 35424.24 35424.29 35424.32 35424.35 35424.38 35425.00 35425.03 35425.06 35425.09 35453.41 35453.44 35453.48 35453.51 35453.55 35453.58 35454.02 35454.05 35454.09 35454.12 35454.16 35454.19 35454.24 35454.27 35454.30 35454.33 35454.55 35454.58 35455.01 35455.04 35483.35 35483.38 35483.42 35483.45 35483.49 35483.52 35483.56 35483.59 35484.03 35484.06 35484.10 35484.13 35484.18 35484.21 35484.24 35484.27 35484.49 35484.52 35484.55 35484.58 35513.43 35513.46 35513.50 35513.53 35513.57 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However, a database search of the IMGINDEX.TAB file would reveal a lower IMAGEID, namely 0002S1+013. This is associated with the image 35363.58. This is not an error, but is simply due to rollover of the picture sequence number, which is the first four digits of the IMAGEID. The IMAGEIDs for both images are correct.