PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2015-12-04 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "AAREADME.TXT for the MSL PLACES archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Position Localization and Attitude Correction Estimate Storage (PLACES) Archive 1. Introduction This volume contains rover localization and mechanism position data acquired by the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover and instruments. 2. File Formats The PLACES archive data set consists of a collection of maps and rover localization solutions. Archive products in the DATA directory are formatted in accordance with the Planetary Data System standards, including text files, comma-separated values tables and a VICAR image. These data products and formats are described in further detail in the PLACES_PDS_SIS.PDF located in the DOCUMENT directory of this volume. 3. Archive Contents Files in this archive are organized into a series of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The archive organization and the contents of each directory are described below. Top-level Directory ------------------- AAREADME.TXT The file you are currently reading. ERRATA.TXT This text file contains a listing of comments and updates concerning the archive volume. VOLDESC.CAT This text file contains a description of the volume contents as a PDS catalog object. It is a required file on PDS archive volumes. CATALOG Directory ----------------- The files in the Catalog directory provide a top-level understanding of the mission, spacecraft, instruments (where appropriate), and data set. The files in this directory become part of the PDS Catalog to provide background information for the user searching for data. Their format and contents are further specified in the PDS Standards Reference. See the file CATINFO.TXT for details. DATA Directory -------------- The DATA directory contains the rover localization information in the form of text files, comma-separated values tables and a VICAR formatted base-map image. These data products and formats are described in further detail in the PLACES_PDS_SIS.PDF located in the DOCUMENT directory of this volume. DOCUMENT Directory ------------------ The DOCUMENT directory contains contains documentation to help the user understand and use the archive data. See DOCINFO.TXT for a description of the files in the DOCUMENT directory. EXTRAS Directory --------------- The EXTRAS directory contains XML-formatted files useful to the flight project team during operations. These files are included in the EXTRAS directory because they are not considered PDS standard format. However, the information included in the XML files is contained in the archive products in the DATA directory. See the file EXTRINFO.TXT for a description of files in the EXTRAS directory. INDEX Directory --------------- The INDEX directory contains a PDS index files for this archive. An index file is an ASCII table with each record (or line) in the table containing information about a single data product in archive. Files in the Index directory are provided to help the user locate products on the archive volume. See the file INDXINFO.TXT for additional details. 4. Whom to Contact for Information For questions concerning this volume, contact: PDS Imaging Node Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Dr. Pasadena, CA 91109 (818) 354-5677 WWW Site: http://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov E-mail: Rafael.Alanis@jpl.nasa.gov For general information related to the PDS, contact: Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 (818) 354-4321 WWW Site: http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/ E-mail: pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov