PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2013-05-20 NOTE = "Instructions on how to build and run dat2img, the software provided to decompress the MSSS EDR data products in this PDS Archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END 1. Overview The software provided to the PDS by MSSS for processing the MMM data is available to the community from the PDS in executable form for the following computer operating systems: Apple Macintosh OSX 10.7 and LINUX RedHat 5. It is PDS's responsibility to maintain the software and to upgrade it to other operating systems. The distribution includes a single tool for reading, extracting, and decompressing MMM EDR products into an image .IMG viewable by NASAView. The tool, "dat2img" only works on XXXX.DAT files created by MMM instruments. As mentioned in the Mast Camera (Mastcam), Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), and Mars Descent Imager (MARDI) Experiment Data Record (EDR) and Reduced Data Record (RDR) PDS Data Products Software Interface Specification, a MMM PDS EDR product consists of a detached label (.LBL) and a .DAT file. 1. Compilation Compilation of the supplied software produces a single executable named dat2img. This build example is for a UNIX shell command line. It requires the gcc compiler (not provided) from version 4.1 of the Gnu Compiler Collection. cd jpeg-6b ./configure make clean make cd .. gcc dat2img.c pdecom_msl.c -o dat2img -I jpeg-6b -Ljpeg-6b -ljpeg Note: If your OS suppports it, after unzipping MMM_DAT2IMG.ZIP, sourcing build_all should build dat2img automatically. source build_all The "source build_all" and resulting dat2img binaries have been tested on Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 5 and Apple OS X 10.7. 2. Running The software 1. extracts the data contained in the mini-header 2. decompresses the image data (if compressed) 3. creates an image (IMG) formatted file With a MMM DAT file product as input, dat2img produces a valid PDS IMG with an optional detached label. Usage: dat2img [-d ] input.DAT [output_dir] Use -d option for detached label file (default is attached label) Default output file is input_nn.IMG in the current directory Example: ./dat2img -d 0000MD9999000032E1_XXXX.DAT out_dir out_dir/0000MD9999000032E1_XXXX_00.LBL out_dir/0000MD9999000032E1_XXXX_00.IMG Images are single band 8 bit, 3 band 8 bit RGB, or single band 16 bit images depending on the EDR contents. The labels for sequential GOP images are identical except for name. Note: video GOP products output 1 to 16 individual .IMG files with paired detached label (.LBL) files. For GOP video products the output is filename_00.LBL filename_00.IMG filename_01.LBL filename_02.IMG ... filename_15.LBL filename_15.IMG