PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2014-03-17, Initial" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-03-17 NOTE = "Description EXTRAS directory contents for the MSL Engineering Camera Mosaic PDS Data Archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END EXTRINFO.TXT - the file you are reading. The EXTRAS directory contains five subdirectories with supplementary products for the Mosaic archive. FULL/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing full resolution size (full-size) PNG versions of the mosaic image data products. BROWSE/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing middle resolution size (browse-size) PNG versions of the mosaic image data products. THUMBNAIL/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing low resolution size (thumbnail-size) PNG versions of the mosaic image data products. ANCILLARY/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS which may contain brightness overlap and tiepoint files (.OVR, .TIE and/or .TPT extensions) corresponding to mosaics in the equivalent DATA/SOLxxxxx directories. See Section of MSL_CAMERA_SIS.PDF for more detail on these files.