PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-12-05 NOTE = "This file describes the files in the EXTRAS directory of this volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END EXTRAS Directory Contents This directory contains value added elements that are outside the scope of the PDS archive requirements. Items included in this directory include the Mastcam, MAHLI, and MARDI (MMM) CHRONOS setup file, the meta-kernel file containing the SPICE kernels used for product generation, as well as low, middle, and full resolution versions of all EDR and RDR data products. The CHRONOS setup file, MSL_CONSTANTS_V1.TXT, provided in the SPICE/ subdirectory contains a partial set of parameters needed from SPICE's CHRONOS utility program used by MSL to support time conversions (primarily from and to LTST). The meta-kernel file, MMM_CHRONOS_V03.TM, provided in the MK/ subdirectory contains a complete list of the SPICE kernels used to generate the data on this volume. This file is in the format required by the main SPICE data loader routine FURNSH, that need to be loaded into a SPICE-based application to compute geometry for a particular time period. The complete set of SPICE kernels is archived by the PDS NAIF Node in the msl-m-spice volume, PDS data set ID msl-m-spice-6-v1.0. It is available from the NAIF online archives at: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/ In addition, this directory includes low resolution (thumbnail-size), medium resolution (browse-size), and full resolution (full-size) JPG versions of all the archived EDR and RDR products on the volume. These files are generated by the PDS Imaging Node. The following files, with corresponding descriptions, are found in this directory: EXTRINFO.TXT The file you are reading /EDR/(ALTO|CRUISE|PRE_ATLO|SURFACE)/BROWSE/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing middle resolution size (browse-size) JPG versions of the EDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /EDR/(ALTO|CRUISE|PRE_ATLO|SURFACE)/FULL/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing full resolution size (full-size) JPG versions of the EDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /EDR/(ALTO|CRUISE|PRE_ATLO|SURFACE)/THUMBNAIL/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing low resolution size (thumbnail-size) versions of the EDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /RDR/SURFACE/BROWSE/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing middle resolution size (browse-size) JPG versions of the RDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /RDR/SURFACE/FULL/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing full resolution size (full-size) JPG versions of the RDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /RDR/SURFACE/THUMBNAIL/XXXX/ - Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing low resolution size (thumbnail-size) JPG versions of the RDR data products, where XXXX is the sol /SPICE/MK - Subdirectory of SPICE containing the meta-kernel file /SPICE/MK/MMM_CHRONOS_V02.TM The MSL MMM meta-kernel file /SPICE/MK/MMM_CHRONOS_V03.TM The MSL MMM meta-kernel file /SPICE/MK/MMM_CHRONOS_V04.TM The MSL MMM meta-kernel file /SPICE/MSL_CONSTANTS_V1.TXT The MSL MMM CHRONOS setup file