PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-11-15 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the CATALOG directory contents for the Mars Pathfinder Rover archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END CATALOG Directory Contents The CATALOG directory contains high-level catalog objects for the Mars Pathfinder Rover archive. These catalog objects are often updated as more precise information becomes available. For the latest versions of these files, please consult the Planetary Data System Data Set Catalog available on the PDS web site at: http://pds.jpl.nasa.gov/ (More information about contacting the PDS Central Node is available in the AAREADME.TXT file on this CD.) The following files are found in this directory: CATINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading. MISSION.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder mission. INSTHOST.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Microrover Flight Experiment (also known as "Sojourner" and "Mars Pathfinder Rover"). APXSINST.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer. RCLTINST.CAT - High-level catalog object for the left front rover camera (or "Rover Camera Left"). RCRTINST.CAT - High-level catalog object for the right front rover camera (or "Rover Camera Right"). RCRRINST.CAT - High-level catalog object for the rear rover camera (or "Rover Camera Rear"). APXEDRDS.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder APXS Experiment Data Record (EDR) data set. APXDDRDS.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder APXS Derived Data Record (DDR) data set. RVCEDRDS.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder Rover Camera Experiment Data Record (EDR) data set. RVCMDRDS.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder Rover Camera Mosaicked Image Data Record (MIDR) data set. RVRENGDS.CAT - High-level catalog object for the Mars Pathfinder Rover Engineering EDR data set. REF.CAT - High-level catalog object for references cited in the other catalog object files and documents on this CD. PERSON.CAT - High-level catalog object for personnel officially responsible for the production and distribution of the Mars Pathfinder IMP EDR archive.