Mars Pathfinder Rover Archive CD-ROM

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. CD-ROM Format
  3. File Formats
  4. Data Calibration
  5. Data Display
  6. CD-ROM Contents
  7. Browser
  8. Whom to Contact for Information
  9. Cognizant Persons & Acknowledgments

1. Introduction

This CD-ROM volume contains the complete collection of Mars Pathfinder Rover Camera raw images and derived mosaics, Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) raw spectra and derived weight percent oxide abundances, and Rover raw and calibrated engineering data. There are some additional APXS derived products that were not available at the time this CD archive was created; they may be published separately or on an updated version of this volume at some time in the future.

The data sets containing these data are shown below, in the same order as described in the above paragraph:


In the data sets and documentation on this CD, you will often see the following acronyms used:

Engineering Data Record (a raw product that has not been geometrically or radiometrically corrected)
Reduced Data Record (a product that has been converted from the raw data counts returned from the spacecraft into standard units like degrees or meters)
Derived Data Record (a product that has been derived from EDRs or RDRs by averaging, binning, sampling, etc.)
Mosaicked Image Data Record (created by combining multiple EDRs; may also be geometrically and/or radiometrically corrected)

This volume also contains a complete set of documentation files that describe the archive files. Each data file has an associated PDS label (either attached or detached) that describes the file structure and instrument parameters used for that file.

The MPF products archived on this volume are the original products released by the Mars Pathfinder project. They have been converted from the original data format used during mission operations to a PDS format. Supporting documentation and label files conform to the Planetary Data System (PDS) Standards, Version 3.2, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) document number D-7669.

To browse the data on this CD using a World Wide Web-based HTML browser, load the INDEX.HTM file contained in the BROWSE directory into your Web browser. Further instructions are provided on that page.

2. CD-ROM Format

This CD-ROM has been formatted so that a variety of computer systems (e.g., PC, Macintosh, and Sun) may access the data. Specifically, it is formatted according to the ISO-9660 level 1 Interchange Standard. For further information, refer to the ISO-9660 Standard Document: RF# ISO 9660-1988, April 15, 1988.

This CD-ROM does not contain any Extended Attribute Records (XARs). Thus, VAX/VMS users on older platforms may have some problems accessing files on this volume.

Note that some problems have been discovered in reading some CDs on UNIX platforms running the Solaris 2.6 operating system. This problem was solved on our systems by adding the following lines to the /etc/system file and rebooting:

  * Next entries are to enable reading PDS CD-ROMs with "Record" entries
  set hsfs:ide_prohibited = 0xe6
  set hsfs:hde_prohibited = 0xe6
You might also try installing patch 105486-04 to correct this problem. It is a replacement HSFS driver and among the bugs fixed are:

4141713 system crashes when reading from ISO9660 Joliet cdrom
4101516 allow reading of non-standard ISO-9660 (unsorted dirs) by default
4101513 fail to find certain filenames on Rock Ridge CDs
4079732 problem reading ISO-9660 CDs where directory entries are not ordered
If you continue to have problems, please contact the PDS Operator. (Contact info is provided below in section 8.)

3. File Formats

A detailed description of the storage format for the various kinds of data files on this CD is contained in the respective data set descriptions. These descriptions are located in the CATALOG directory on this CD, and are named as follows:


In general, the data files are stored with either attached or detached PDS labels that describe, in ASCII text, the content and format of the data files. In all cases where the PDS label is attached, the data file is stored with a fixed length record format. If the PDS label size is not an exact multiple of the file record length, padding is added after the end of the PDS label. Thus, the data always starts on a record boundary.

All detached label and document files (with the exception of PDF formatted files) are stream format files, with a carriage return (ASCII 13) and a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of each record. This allows the files to be read by the MacOS, DOS, Unix, and VMS operating systems. The PDF documentation files are in the binary Adobe Portable Document Format. These files can be read with the Adobe Acrobat Reader, available from "". (If this URL has expired, contact the PDS Operator for more information. Contact information for the PDS is shown in section 8.)

All tabular files are described by detached PDS labels, which are label files having the same name as the data files they describe, with the extension .LBL. For example, the file ENGINDEX.TAB is accompanied by the detached label file ENGINDEX.LBL in the same directory. Tabular files are formatted so that they may be read directly into many database management systems (DBMS) or spreadsheet programs on various computers. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks ("). Character fields are left justified, and numeric fields are right justified. The "start byte" and "bytes" values listed in a PDS label do not include the commas between fields or the quotation marks surrounding character fields. The records are of fixed length, and the last two bytes of each record contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows a table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers.

PDS labels are object-oriented. The object to which the label refers (e.g., IMAGE, TABLE, etc.) is denoted by a statement of the form:

^object = location

in which the carat character ('^', also called a pointer in this context) indicates that the object starts at the given location. For an object in the same file as the label, the location is an integer representing the starting record number of the object (the first record in the file is record 1). For an object located outside the label file, the location denotes the name of the file containing the object, along with the starting record or byte number. For example:

^IMAGE = ("C102.IMG",3)

indicates that the IMAGE object begins at record 3 of the file C102.IMG, in the same directory as the detached label file. Below is a list of the possible formats that use the ^object keyword.

^object = n
^object = n <BYTES>
^object = "filename.ext"
^object = ("filename.ext",n)
^object = ("filename.ext",n <BYTES>)


n starting record or byte number of the object, counting from beginning of the file (record 1, byte 1); default is record number.
<BYTES> indicates that number given is in units of bytes.
filename upper-case file name.
ext upper-case file extension.

4. Data Calibration

Formal calibration files and software have not been included for all data products on this CD volume. However, discussions of the calibration are included in each of the instrument descriptions. These descriptions are stored in the CATALOG directory and are named APXSINST.CAT for the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer, and RCLTINST.CAT, RCRRINST.CAT, and RCRTINST.CAT for the Rover Cameras.

There are some calibration files for the Rover Cameras included in the CALIB directory on this CD. Additional information about the calibration of the Rover Cameras is available in the CALINFO.TXT file in the CALIB directory and in the RVCAMCAL document in the DOCUMENT directory.

5. Data Display

The PDS provides software for displaying PDS formatted images and tables on a variety of computer platforms. The application program for displaying this data is called NASAView, which has versions for SUN, Macintosh, and PC platforms. For some computer platforms, there is a NASAView version that will work as a Web Browser helper application.

Since some of the data on this CD is 16-bit, earlier versions of NASAView may not be able to display it. Versions 1.1.2 and later have been tested and are able to display this data.

It is the intention of the PDS to distribute NASAView through its World Wide Web and FTP sites. Consult the PDS WWW site for the status of NASAView in terms of its capabilities and availability. The address for the PDS NASAView web site is:

(Complete contact information for the PDS is available below in section 8.)

The latest version of the VICAR program XVD may also be used for displaying PDS formatted images. For information on obtaining VICAR, please contact:

Address: Danika Jensen
M/S 168-414
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Phone: (818) 354-6269
WWW URL: tml

6. CD-ROM Contents

Files on this CD-ROM are organized into a series of subdirectories below the top-level directory. The following table shows the structure and content of these directories. In the table, directory names are enclosed in square brackets ([]).

  File Contents
Top-level directory
|- AAREADME.* The file you are now reading.
|- ERRATA.* Comments and errors pertaining to this CD.
|- VOLDESC.CAT Description of the contents of this CD-ROM volume in PDS label format.
|- [CALIB] Directory containing Rover Camera calibration files.
| |- CALINFO.TXT Description of files in the CALIB directory and information about calibration process.
| |- CAMINFO*.* Information about the Rover Cameras.
| |- COLORPIX.* Information about color pixel map.
| |- MESRMNTS.* Information about calibration targets.
| |- *FIX.* Information about calibration targets.
| |- FC.* Calib. image, rear camera, far cal. fixture.
| |- FFL.* Calib. image, left camera, far cal. fixture.
| |- FFR.* Calib. image, right camera, far cal. fixture.
| |- NC2.* Calib. image, rear camera, near cal. fixture.
| |- NFL.* Calib. image, left camera, near cal. fixture.
| |- NFR.* Calib. image, right camera, near cal. fixture.
| |- *_UNST.* Calibration images; dark current removed.
| |- *_WARP.* Calibration images; geometrically corrected.
| |- CAHV_*.* Calibration output data for CAHV model.
| |- CAHVOR*.* Calibration output data for CAHVOR model.
| |- RSDUAL_* Calibration process residuals.
[CATALOG] Directory containing PDS catalog information about the Mars Pathfinder Rover data sets.
| |- CATINFO.TXT Description of files in the CATALOG directory.
| |- APXDDRDS.CAT APXS oxide abundances dataset description.
| |- APXEDRDS.CAT APXS raw data dataset description.
| |- APXSINST.CAT APXS instrument description catalog object.
| |- INSTHOST.CAT MPF Rover description catalog object.
| |- MISSION.CAT MPF mission description catalog object.
| |- PERSON.CAT MPF personnel objects.
| |- RCLTINST.CAT Rover Camera Left instrument description catalog object.
| |- RCRRINST.CAT Rover Camera Rear instrument description catalog object.
| |- RCRTINST.CAT Rover Camera Right instrument description catalog object.
| |- REF.CAT MPF reference objects.
| |- RVCEDRDS.CAT Rover Camera raw images dataset description.
| |- RVCMDRDS.CAT Rover Camera mosaics dataset description.
| |- RVRENGDS.CAT Rover Engineering data dataset description.
|- [DOCUMENT] Directory containing document files.
| |- DOCINFO.TXT Description of files in DOCUMENT directory.
| |- APXDDRDS.* APXS DDR data set description.
| |- APXEDRDS.* APXS EDR data set description.
| |- APXS_INV.* Joy Crisp's APXS inventory table.
| |- APXS_SIS.* APXS Experiment Data Record SIS.
| |- APXSINST.* APXS instrument description.
| |- CONTACTS.* Contact information for MPF project personnel.
| |- INSTHOST.* MPF Rover description.
| |- KEYWORDS.* PDS keywords used for Rover data products.
| |- MISSION.* Mars Pathfinder mission description.
| |- RCINST.* Rover Camera instrument description.
| |- REF.* References related to MPF.
| |- ROVERSIS.* Rover Camera Experiment Data Record SIS.
| |- ROVEVENT.* Henry Moore's Rover events file.
| |- RVCAMCAL.* Donald Gennery's camera calibration description.
| |- RVCEDRDS.* Rover Camera EDR data set description.
| |- RVCMDRDS.* Rover Camera MIDR data set description.
| |- RVRENGDS.* Rover Engineering EDR/RDR data set description.
| |- RVTCHEXP.* Rover Technology Experiments description.
| |- ZIPINFO.* ZIP compression software description.
| |
| |- [IMAGES] Directory containing images and icons used in documents in DOCUMENT directory.
| |
| |- [ROVERDOC] Directory containing Mars Pathfinder Rover Software and Operations Documents. This is a modified version of the Rover Team web site.
| | |
| | |- ROVERDOC.* The top level HTML page for the Rover web site.
| | |
| | |- [CMDDICT] Directory for the Rover Command Dictionary.
| | |
| | |- [DOWNLINK] Directory containing downlink reports.
| | |
| | |- [IMAGES] Directory containing images used on web site.
| | |
| | |- [SWDESIGN] Directory for the Vehicle Software Design Doc.
| | |
| | |- [TLMDICT] Directory for the Rover Telemetry Dictionary.
| | |
| | |- [UPLKDOCS] Directory containing Rover Operations Docs.
| | | |
| | | |- [FLTRULES] Directory containing Rover flight rules.
| | | |
| | | |- [MACROS] Directory containing Sequence Macro Definitions.
| | | |
| | | |- [OVERVIEW] Directory for System and Operations Overview.
| | |
| | |- [UPLKLOGS] Directory containing uplink reports.
| | | |
| | | |- [FLIGHT] Directory containing flight uplink reports.
| | | | | |
| | | | |- [CRUISE2] Uplink reports for 2nd cruise health check.
| | | | | |
| | | | |- [SOL01] Uplink reports for first day of surface ops.
| | | |
| | | |- [IMAGES] Directory for images used in uplink reports.
|- [INDEX] Directory containing index files.
| |- INDXINFO.TXT Description of files in the INDEX directory.
| |- APDINDEX.TAB Volume index for APXS derived data (DDRs).
| |- APEINDEX.TAB Volume index for APXS raw data (EDRs).
| |- APXS_INV.TAB Tabular version of Joy Crisp's APXS inventory.
| |- APXTEMPS.TAB Table of APXS temperature measurements.
| |- ENGINDEX.TAB Volume index for Rover Engineering raw and reduced data (EDRs and RDRs).
| |- RVEINDEX.TAB Volume index for Rover Camera raw images (EDRs).
| |- RVMINDEX.TAB Volume index for Rover Camera mosaics (MIDRs).
[SOFTWARE] Directory containing ZIP decompression software which can be used to uncompress the rover engineering files.
| |- SOFTINFO.TXT Description of files in the SOFTWARE directory.
| |- APPNOTE.TXT A detailed description of the ZIP file format, dated 27 April 1998.
| |- COPYING.TXT The distribution license for UNZIP.
| |- WHERE.TXT A summary of where to acquire ready-made binaries of ZIP and UNZIP.
| |- [SAMPLES] Directory containing before and after examples of compressed files.
| |- [UNZIP532] Directory structure containing the UNZIP532 source code. Full details of the directory structure are contained in SOFTINFO.TXT.
|- [BROWSE] Directory containing the HTML data browser.
| |- INDEX.HTM Top page of the browser. (Load this page into your web browser to browse the data on this CD.)
| |- BRWSINFO.TXT Description of files in the BROWSE directory.
| |- APXS.HTM Top page of the APXS browser.
| |- BROWSER.LBL PDS label for top level browser files.
| |- DD.HTM Definitions of PDS keywords used in browser.
| |- HELP.HTM Help file for browser.
| |- ROVER.HTM Top page of the Rover Camera browser.
| |- [ICONS] Directory containing icons used in HTML pages.
| |- [XXXXXXXX] Directories containing HTML pages, GIF browse images and JPEG thumbnails representative of the data on this CD. Directories beneath this have an identical structure to the data directories (shown below).
[APXS_DDR] Directory containing the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer Derived Data Records. This consists of a single file containing target compositions by oxide weight percent.
[APXS_EDR] Directory containing the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer Experiment Data Records.
| |
| |- [A_01] Directory containing data from APXS investigation site number A-1.
| |- [A_27] Directory containing data from APXS investigation site number A-27.
|- [RVR_EDR] Directory containing the Rover Camera Experiment Data Records.
| |
| |- [RVR_CLR] Directory containing the three-banded versions of the Rover Camera Rear EDRs.
| |
| |- [RVR_LEFT] Directory containing the EDRs acquired by the Rover Camera Left.
| |
| |- [RVR_REAR] Directory containing the single-banded versions of the Rover Camera Rear EDRs.
| |
| |- [RVRRIGHT] Directory containing the EDRs acquired by the Rover Camera Right.
|- [RVR_ENG] Directory containing the Rover Engineering Experiment Data Records and Reduced Data Records.
| |
| |- [CRUISE1] Directory containing data from the first cruise health check.
| |- [SOL01] Directory containing data from the first day of surface operations.
|- [RVR_MIDR] Directory containing the Rover Camera Mosaicked Image Data Records.
| |
| |- [RVR_CAHV] Directory containing the Rover B&W and color mosaics that have been geometrically corrected using the CAHV camera model.
| |
| |- [RVR_CLR] Directory containing the Rover Camera Rear mosaics in a three-banded (color) format. (Geometrically uncorrected).
| |
| |- [RVR_GLYF] Directory containing the Rover Camera anaglyph mosaics.
| |
| |- [RVR_MOS] Directory containing the geometrically uncorrected mosaics from the rear camera (in a single-banded format) and the front cameras.

The specific details on the file naming conventions used for each type of data file are available in the individual data set catalog objects in the CATALOG directory.

7. Browser

The browser contained on this volume is a HyperText Markup Language based system that provides a simple search and quick-look capability for some of the data on this CD. The system consists of an HTML page for each Rover Camera image or APXS data file, providing a GIF or TIFF version of the image and a limited portion of its respective label data. Each full resolution data file may be accessed directly from its corresponding HTML page. To use the browser, open up the BROWSE/INDEX.HTM file in your web browser. For a more comprehensive search engine and browser for the data, please used the Planetary Image Atlas, available from the WWW page of the PDS Imaging Node: "".

8. Whom to Contact for Information

For questions concerning the Rover Camera images on this volume, contact:

PDS Imaging Node
Susan K. LaVoie
M/S 168-514
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
(818) 354-5677

WWW Site:

For questions concerning the APXS data, contact:

PDS Geosciences Node
Dr. Raymond E. Arvidson
Washington University
Campus Box 1169
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130
(314) 935-5609

WWW Site:

For general information related to the PDS, contact:

Planetary Data System, PDS Operator
M/S 202-101
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
(818) 354-4321

WWW Site:

9. Cognizant Persons & Acknowledgments

The Microrover Flight Experiment (or Mars Pathfinder Rover) and the Rover Cameras were built at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California. Jake Matijevic was the Rover Manager. The Alpha and Proton spectrometer portions of the APXS were provided by the Max Planck Institute, Mainz, Germany. The X-Ray spectrometer portion was provided by the University of Chicago. Integration of the APXS instrument portions was the responsibility of the APXS Principal Investigator, Rudy Rieder.

This volume set was designed and produced at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California by Elizabeth Duxbury. The following people provided assistance in various capacities:

PDS Standards, Keywords, etc:

Betty Sword, Steve Hughes, Ron Joyner, Jean Mortellaro, and Tammy Turner (PDS-CN JPL) and Joe Mafi (PDS-PPI UCLA, Los Angeles, California)

Data Preparation and Documentation:

Henry Stone, Jake Matijevic, Andy Mishkin, Tam Nguyen, and Allen Sirota (MPF Rover Team), Doug Alexander, Sue LaVoie, Allan Runkle, and Pamela Woncik (Multimission Image Processing Laboratory, JPL), Rudy Rieder (Max Planck Institute, Mainz, Germany) and Tom Economou (Enrico Fermi Institute, Univ. of Chicago, IL)

Special thanks are due to Joy Crisp (APXS Investigation Scientist, JPL), who, in addition to her expertise on the APXS data, provided extensive documentation and help pertaining to all of the Rover-related data. Much of the information contained in this CD archive would not have been available without her assistance.

Geometry Information:

Boris Semenov (PDS-NAIF, JPL) and John Wellman (JPL)

MPF Project Support:

Kathleen Spellman, Susan Merrill, and Susan Roberts (JPL)

CD Reviewers:

Thanks to Robert Anderson, Nathan Bridges, Joy Crisp, and Andy Mishkin (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California), Johannes Brueckner (Max Planck Institut fur Chemie, Mainz, Germany), William Dietrich (University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois), Ed Guiness (PDS-GEO, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri) and Valerie Henderson (PDS-CN, JPL) for reviewing this CD.