PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-07-15 NOTE = "Description of contents of DOCUMENT directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The DOCUMENT directory in this MER archive contains the following documentation files. CAMSIS_v4*.PDF - The Data Product Software Interface Specification document for the data set on this volume, in Adobe PDF format. Note: There is no HTML version of this file because its contents could not be converted to HTML. CAMSIS_v4*.HTML - The Data Product Software Interface Specification document for the data set on this volume, in HTML format. CAMSIS_v4*.LBL - PDS label that describes both the PDF and the HTML or text versions of the data product SIS. *ARCHSIS.PDF - The Archive Volume Software Interface Specification document that describes the content and structure of this archive volume. *ARCHSIS.HTM or AVSIS.TXT - HTML or text version of the archive volume SIS. *ARCHSIS.LBL - PDS label that describes both the PDS and the HTML or text versions of the archive volume SIS. COORDINATE_SYSTEMS.PDF - An explanation of imaging coordinate systems. COORDINATE_SYSTEMS.LBL - PDS label for COORDINATE_SYSTEMS.PDF. MER_TIME_ISSUES.TXT - An explanation of MER time-tag-related issues affecting MER data products.