PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "LUNAR RECONNAISSANCE ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "LYMAN ALPHA MAPPING PROJECT" TARGET_NAME = MOON OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-02-25 NOTE = "Comments on the LRO LAMP RDR Archive Volume" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Comments on the LRO LAMP RDR Archive Volume ============================================================================= Known Errors and Anomalies ========================== On 31-May-2011 (2011151) the LAMP high voltage and discriminator level settings were changed to 5.0kV and 1.05V, respectively. However, the new radiometric calibrations for these settings were not in place in time for this PDS release. Thus, the RDR files from 2013258 to 2013348 are not optimally calibrated radiometrically. We plan to release updated versions (version 04) of these RDR files in a future delivery that will incorporate a better radiometric calibration. New File Additions ================== In this seventeenth data release, there are 1027 new RDR files supplied. Modifications to Existing Files =============================== None.