PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-11-24 NOTE = "Release notes and errata for Juno JunoCam EDR, RDR, and Global/Regional Map Image volumes" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Users are encouraged to provide comments to the PDS Imaging Node if errors are found either in data or in documentation in this archive. Please send comments by e-mail or U.S. mail to the Imaging Node: PDS Imaging Node California Institute of Technology Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109 Web: http://img.pds.nasa.gov/index.html This file, ERRATA.TXT, contains release notes and errata identified in the Juno JunoCam EDR and RDR archive products on volumes JNOJNC_0XXX. During the course of the Juno mission the JunoCam science team may update previously released data products or documentation; for example, updates may occur due to changes in calibration data or procedures. Updates will be reported in this file. Older versions of data and documentation will not be retained in the archive. Section A of this file contains an entry for each Juno release with general information about the contents of the release, in order from newest to oldest. Updates to previously released files are reported in these entries, along with any known errata. Section B of this file contains general notes, if any, concerning the archive as a whole. ******** SECTION A ******** RELEASE NUMBER: 1 DATA COVERAGE: 2011-08-26 to 2016-06-29 PRODUCT TYPES RELEASED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: JunoCam EDR & RDR PRODUCT TYPES UPDATED FOR THIS ARCHIVE: none 1. Cruise products Not all the images on this volume are of Jupiter and none were acquired from orbit (JUNO had not yet arrived at Jupiter). Some of the values (e.g., SUB_SPACECRAFT_LATITUDE, SUB_SPACECRAFT_LONGITUDE, SPACECRAFT_ALTITUDE, and ORBIT_NUMBER) in the INDEX.TAB file are not meaningful. ******** SECTION B ******** This section is provided for general notes concerning the archive as a whole. At the time of this release, there are no general errors or notes to report.