CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = GALILEO_ORBITER INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Errata for documentation on the Galileo NIMS EDR CD-ROM set" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1999-05-21 END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains errata and other information or comments regarding the contents of this CD volume and earlier volumes in the volume set. It also contains other information including liens for future CD volumes. ERRATA (for GO_1005 and GO_1006, Jupiter operations) The last sentence of the NOTE in labels of spike files is incorrect. It should say that the name of the EDR corresponding to the spike file can be obtained by replacing the .SPI extension with .EDR. (for GO_1005, Jupiter orbits G1-E4) In the EDRDATA2.FMT structure file (in the LABEL directory), in the CONTAINER for NATIVE_TIME, START_BYTE had an incorrect value of "0" instead of the correct "1". Also, a REPETITIONS = 1 statement was missing from that container description. Similarly, several REPETITIONS = 1 statements were missing from container descriptions in EDRHDR2.FMT. These errors have been corrected in GO_1006. (It is understood that REPETITIONS = 1 is not strictly legal by PDS standards.) A few spike filenames were left out of the index table (EDRCAT.TAB). The missing filenames were for observations G1GNGLOBAL02A (G1G003), C3CNGLOBAL01B (C3C007), C3CNGLOBAL01C (C3C008) and C3ENELIMB_01B (C3E002). In each case, the correct filename was the same as that for the immediately preceding observation. These omissions have been corrected in the cumulative index table (CUMINDEX.TAB) on GO_1006. Due to a processing error, data for four E4 Io eclipse observations are merged with data from neighboring observations in the latter's EDR. There is a time gap in each case between the two parts of the EDR. In particular: Data from E4INCOOLCV02D are contained in the EDR for E4INCOOLCV02C (CD name E4I006). Data from the first half of E4INWARMCV01C are contained in the EDR for E4INWARMCV01B (CD name E4I011). Data from E4INWARMCV01D are contained in the EDR for E4INWARMCV01C (CD name E4I012) which also is *missing* data from the first half of its namesake observation (see preceding item). Data from E4INWARMCV04D are contained in the EDR for E4INWARMCV04C (CD name E4I027). Isolated DNs (due to radiation noise) with values 0-4 should not be confused with patterns of special values indicating: 0 missing data, 1 wavelength-edited data, 2 mirror-blocked data, 3 rate-controlled data (not used), or 4 thresholded data. The assignment of special values was made on the assumption that very low DNs would not occur at Jupiter. But they do. (Starting with orbit E6, these very low DNs are reset to the value 5 before the special values are inserted, so that a DN of 5 represents orginal DNs in the range 0-5.) (for GO_1004) In [DOCUMENT.SLNIMSGD]NIMSGD.LBL: A missing double quote at the end of the description field prevents proper parsing of the following END_OBJECT. (for GO_1002-1004) In VOLDESC.CAT, DISCIPLINE_NAME should be {ATMOSPHERES,GEOSCIENCES}. In INST.CAT, INSTRUMENT_TYPE should be "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" (for GO_1001-1004) The value of INSTRUMENT_NAME in various files should have spaces between words, not underscores and it should be quoted: "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER". In DOCUMENT labels: DOCUMENT_NAME is too long (>60 char) (for GO_1002-1003) In VOLDESC.CAT, FACILITY_NAME should be "MULTIMISSION IMAGE PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM". EARTHDS.CAT has the wrong target: VENUS instead of EARTH. DATA_OBJECT_TYPE should be TABLE, not EDR, in all dataset catalog files. (for GO_1001) There is no catalog directory and there are no catalog files. (VENUSDS.CAT and EARTHDS.CAT can be found on subsequent volumes.) VOLDESC.SFD in the main directory corresponds to the current VOLDESC.CAT. LIENS (items to be included in later volumes in this set) The following kinds of ancillary files, required for generation of cubes from NIMS EDRs, have been deferred to a subsequent CD-ROM in this series, or to a special CD-ROM. Calibration files Dark value files SPICE kernels (only the NIMS I-kernel is included on GO_1005) Preliminary versions may be obtained from the NIMS team (calibration and dark files) or the Galileo Science Data Team (SPICE files). SOFTWARE Simple software for displaying NIMS EDR data may be found at the NIMS web site -- see ADVERTISEMENT below. ADVERTISEMENT Up-to-date information about NIMS may be found in its World Wide Web site. The current URL is There is also a link to it from the Galileo web site ( which will be updated if the NIMS site is moved.