PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GALILEO ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_NAME = "NEAR INFRARED MAPPING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_ID = NIMS OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the 'NIMS Guide to the In-flight Load' provided with this NIMS Cube CD-ROM volume" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-06-01 END_OBJECT = TEXT END The [DOCUMENT.J0NIMSGD] directory contains Postscript files of a revised version of the document "NIMS Guide to the In-Flight Load", originally published in May, 1996. It describes the brief calibration tests of the phase 2 NIMS instrument software which was loaded in June of 1996. NIMS Guide files included are in Postscript format, with margins set for two-sided printing. NIMSGD0.PS Title Page, Foreword and Table of Contents NIMSGD1.PS Chapter 1: Introduction NIMSGD2.PS Chapter 2: Orbit Overview NIMSGD3.PS Chapter 3: Orbit Geometries NIMSGD4.PS Chapter 4: Sequence Summary NIMSGD5.PS Chapter 5: Detailed Observation Designs NIMSGD6.PS Chapter 6: Wavelength Edit Tables NIMSGD7.PS Chapter 7: Playback Summary (data actually returned) A Planetary Data System (PDS) label file describes the NIMS Guide Document represented by the PostScript files listed above. NIMSGD.LBL