PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1994-10-01 NOTE = "XV INSTALLATION GUIDE" END_OBJECT = TEXT END XV V3.0 XV is a program written by John Bradley of the University of Pennsylvania. XV is a public domain program for displaying images. XV will not display PDS labeled images, but will display tiff and gif formatted images. The source code and a makefile to build the program is in a compressed tar file in the sunos/source subdirectory. Execute the Unix 'cp' command below, then the following 'zcat' command will uncompress and extract the source, makefile and documentation files: (Depending on the SUN platform this path may be in lower case.) cp //SOFTWARE/SUNOS/SOURCE/XV3A.TZ xv3a.tz.Z zcat xv3a.tz | tar xvf - This will create a subdirectory, xv-3.00a. Installation instructions are in the file, INSTALL, and other information is provided in the README file. Approximately 10 mbytes are needed to build the xv software.