PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1994-04-04 NOTE = "Description of the Macintosh II NIH Image software" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Macintosh NIH Image Software This directory contains software which can be used to display the Clementine images on a Macintosh II computer with an 8-bit color display. The NIH Image program, a public domain program written by Wayne Rasband of the National Institute of Health, is provided. The program is stored in a StuffIt file called IMAGE.HQX which has been translated to BinHex format. This file was compressed with StuffIt Lite which is distributed as shareware by Aladdin Systems, Inc. To obtain StuffIt Lite write to Adaddin Systems, Inc. 165 Westridge Dr Watsonville, CA 95076 USA (408) 761-6200 and for a minimal fee they will send you the latest version. StuffIt which is not shareware can also be used to uncompress the software. To extract the archive, first copy the file to a Macintosh. Then run the Stuffit program, version 3.0.5 or later. First select the "BinHex Decode" action in the "Translate" menu. This transforms IMAGE.HQX into a Stuffit archive file named IMAGE.SIT. Select the "Open" action in the "File" menu and "UnStuff" the archive. The Image folder will be created. This folder will contain the Image program, documentation, and several folders called 'kernels', 'macros' and 'palettes' which are distributed with the Image program. Refer to the documentation for more information about the use of these folders. The file 'Image Prefs' should be copied into your system folder. It will set several of Image's default settings for use with the Clementine images, such as gray scale palette and a larger clipboard. It is set-up for use on an 8-megabyte Macintosh with Finder running. Users with 4-megabyte Macintosh systems may have to edit the 'PREFERENCE' settings in the 'OPTIONS' menu of IMAGE and reduce the size of the undo and clipboard buffers to 100K in order to display some of the larger Clementine images. Another file, 'CLEM Macros' provides macro code which will allow Clementine images to be automatically opened by the IMAGE program. This macro must be loaded using the 'Load Macro' option in the 'Special' menu. To use the macro, select the 'SPECIAL' menu in IMAGE, then select the 'IMPORT PDS' option near the bottom of the pull-down menu. This will cause a prompt for the file name which you wish to display. Click on DRIVE until the file window shows the contents of the Clementine volume, then double click on folders to navigate through the disk or double click on a filename to open and display it. Image should be run under Finder for best results. When running under multifinder, the memory allocated to Image should be set as high as possible, using the Macintosh 'Get Info' command in the 'File' menu. Updated versions of Image can be obtained via Anonymous FTP from lw.nih.gov [] in the directory /pub/image. Enter anonymous as the user name and anything you like as the password. The image directory contains the latest version of Image, along with source code, HyperCard reference stack, and many sample images.