PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "CLEMENTINE 1" TARGET_NAME = "MOON" OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1997-07-01 NOTE = "Description of contents in the INDEX subdirectoy." END_OBJECT = TEXT END Content description of INDEX directory The index directory on this volume contains information about the data products stored on the CD. There are two index tables ('imgindx.tab' and 'srcindx.tab') in this directory. The index files are designed for easy ingestion into most Data Base Management Systems. Fields are separated by comma delimiters and string fields are enclosed in double quote characters ("). imgindx.tab - The image index is organized as a table with each row containing information about a data product (image file) and each column an attribute of the data product. The information in the table includes the CD volume number, directory location, file name, browse directory and file name, latitude and longitude limits, number of lines and samples of the image, map scale and resolution, center longitude of projection, and map projection. The imgindx.tab file applies to all images found in the CD volume set. imgindx.lbl - This PDS label file contains a detailed description of the image index table ('imgindx.tab'). It can be accessed and viewed with an editor so that a user can determine the contents and organization of the table or it can be used with PDS tools to access the table. Refer to this file for detailed information and format of the image index table. srcindx.tab - This table contains information about the source images (raw Clementine EDR images) used to construct the Clementine Basemap Mosaic. Additionally, this file stores the camera pointing updates used to tie the raw image to a ground control network. The information in this table includes the name of the raw image, the updated camera pointing angles, spacecraft and planet vectors, time of image observation, latitude and longitude of image center, and product id of Clementine Basemap tile that incorporates the raw image. This file acts as the definitive definition of the ground control system for the surface of the Moon. srcindx.lbl - This PDS label file contains a detailed description of the source image index table ('srcindx.tab'). (See description of imgindx.lbl for use of this label).