PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-11-03 NOTE = "Description of the EXTRAS directory contents for the CASSINI ISS EDR archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END EXTRAS Directory Contents The extras directory contains additional items which may be of use to the user, but which may not explicitly conform to PDS format. For a full description of the Cassini image calibration software see Section 4.4 of the ISS Data User's Guide, located in the DOCUMENT subdirectory of this Calbration archive volume. cisscal.tar.gz - A g-zipped TAR archive containing the entire contents of the cisscal directory described below. This was included for downloading convenience, and to avoid any filename case issues that may arise when reading the DVD filesystem on different platforms. cisscal/ - This directory contains the Cassini ISS Calibration (CISSCAL) software package, version 4.1. For more information, please see the ISS Data User's Guide located in the DOCUMENT directory of this calibration volume.