PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2018-10-09 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the Cassini Orbiter Imaging Science Subsystem Experiment Data Records and Calibration Files DVD (sample directory files)" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation files for the Cassini Orbiter Imaging Science Subsystem Experiment Data Records and Calibration Data Files Archive Volume DVDs. The following files are found in this directory. docinfo.txt - The file you are reading. archsis.lbl - Description of the format and content specifications of the SSI Archive Volume DVD. archsis.txt - Text version of the Software Interface Specification document for this DVD archive volume. archsis.pdf - Text version of the Software Interface Specification document for this DVD archive volume. edrsis.lbl - Description of the format and content specifications of the SSI EDR Data Product. edrsis.txt - Text version of the Software Interface Specification document for the ISS EDR Data Product. edrsis.pdf - PDF version of the Software Interface Specification document for the ISS EDR Data Product. report/ - Directory containing ISS Ground Calibration Report in a navigable HTML format. report/isscalrpt.htm - Top page for the ISS Ground Calibration Report. report/isscalrpt.lbl - Detached label for isscalrpt.htm. iss_data_user_guide_180916.docx - ISS PDS Data User's Guide in Word format. iss_data_user_guide_180916.pdf - ISS PDS Data User's Guide in PDF. iss_data_user_guide_180916.lbl - ISS PDS Data User's Guide detached label. in_flight_cal.tex - ISS In-Flight Calibration Guide in LaTex. in_flight_cal.pdf - ISS In-Flight Calibration Guide in PDF. in_flight_cal.lbl - ISS In-Flight Calibration Guide detached label. theoretical_basis.tex - ISS Calibration Theoretical Basis in LaTex. theoretical_basis.pdf - ISS Calibration Theoretical Basis in PDF. theoretical_basis.lbl - ISS Calibration Theoretical Basis detached label.