PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-09-27 NOTE = "Description of the data directory contents for the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem EDR archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DATA Directory Contents The data directory on the CALIBRATION archive volume contains a set of sample images that have been calibrated using the Cassini ISS calibration (CISSCAL) sofware. The images have been chosen to represent a range of different targets, camera settings and data qualities. Currently, the sample calibrated images are: IMAGE NAME FILTERS SUM CONV CAM COMP A/B TARGET ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N1465676754_2 CL1/CL2 FULL 12BIT NACONLY LOSSLESS ON Phoebe W1471312563_1 CL1/CL2 FULL 12BIT BOTSIM LOSSLESS OFF Dark W1477592960_1 CL1/IR1 FULL 12BIT WACONLY LOSSLESS ON Rings N1523990676_1 P0/CB2 SUM4 12BIT NACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn N1523990693_1 P60/CB2 SUM4 12BIT NACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn N1523990710_1 P120/CB2 SUM4 12BIT NACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn N1598087203_1 UV2/UV3 FULL 8LSB NACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Tethys W1658424923_1 MT3/IRP90 FULL 12BIT WACONLY NOTCOMP OFF Saturn N1660468980_1 CL1/CL2 FULL TABLE NACONLY LOSSY OFF Tethys W1788966301_1 MT2/IRP90 SUM2 12BIT WACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn/Rings W1788966325_1 MT2/IRP0 SUM2 12BIT WACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn/Rings W1800176826_1 CB2/CL2 FULL TABLE WACONLY LOSSLESS OFF Saturn For each image listed above, calibrated images are provided for each step in the calibration pipeline. Filenames are of the form *CAL_.IMG, where the subscripts correspond to the various calibration steps as follows: STEP SUBSCRIPT DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------- 01) LUT Lookup table correction 02) BITW Bitweight correction 03) BIAS Subtract bias/remove 2 Hz noise 04) DARK Subtract dark 05) ABPP Remove anti-blooming mode pixel pairs 06) LIN Linearize 07) FLAT Flatfield correction 08) IOF/EPS Convert to flux (I/F or electrons/sec) 09) CORR Apply absolute flux correction factors 10) GEOM Geometric correction Corresponding raw image files are also included for comparison purposes. Note that all final calibrated images have units of I/F, with the exception of the shutter-inhibited "dark" image (W1471312563_1), which is calibrated to electrons/sec, and for which flatfield correction, absolute flux correction and geometric correction do not apply. Thus the version of that image is the final, fully-calibrated version, whereas for all other images, the version is the final, fully-calbrated form. The calibration settings used for each image have been written to that image's VICAR label.