PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-09-30 NOTE = "Description of the data directory contents for the Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem EDR archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DATA Directory Contents The data directory on the CALIBRATION archive volume contains a set of sample images that have been calibrated using the Cassini ISS calibration (CISSCAL) sofware. The images have been chosen to represent a range of different targets, camera settings and data qualities. Currently, the sample calibrated images are: Image Target Filters Data Quality Note ------------------------------------------------------------------ n1447059969_1_cal.img Saturn BL1 CL2 w1496292029_1_cal.img Saturn CL1 CL2 n1470369469_1_cal.img Vega RED IR1 w1449079745_1_cal.img Vega IR2 CL2 n1476529761_1_cal.img Rings CL1 CL2 w1477592960_1_cal.img Rings CL1 IR1 Missing pixels; LUT n1465676754_2_cal.img Phoebe CL1 CL2 w1465673272_2_cal.img Phoebe CL1 GRN Saturated pixels; LUT n1477361689_1_cal.img Titan CL1 CB3 w1477477123_6_cal.img Titan CB3 CL2 Note that all calibrated images have units in terms of I/F, with the exception of the star images, which have cgs flux units (erg/s/cm^2/nm/ster). The calibration settings used for each image have been written to that image's VICAR label.