PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Known errors and/or anomalies in the volumes" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2005-06-30 END_OBJECT = TEXT END ERRORS AND/OR ANOMALIES IN THE CURRENT VOLUME Volume CORADR_0009, Version 1 ------------------------------ 1. The uncompressed SBDR product has attached labels. Normally, a file that has been compressed with ZIP would have been generated without an attached label. 2. In the volume index table (INDEX/INDEX.TAB), double quotes enclose all the date/time values. Normally, PDS date/time values are not quoted, but quoting makes parsing easier for some applications. 3. The HTML documents in the DOCUMENT directory contain HTML character codes that, while all-ASCII, are not easily interpretable by someone who is reading the HTML documents as text documents. For example, "α" represents the lower-case Greek character "alpha" and is rendered as such in a web browser. Equivalent and more legible character codes (e.g., "&#alpha;") are available as of the HTML 4.0 specification but cannot be used here, as PDS requires HTML documents to comply to the HTML 3.2 specification. 4. The Cassini Radar Transition file (EXTRAS/CRT_009_V01.TAB) contains no information about ScanStart and ScanEnd transitions. 5. The radiometer data saturates when the main lobe of beam 3 passes over the Sun. This was expected. 6. In the science_qual_flag field in the SBDR the individual active mode geometry valid bits are not set when the all_active_mode_invalid bit is set. In this SBDR, the active mode fields are always invalid. 7. Radiometer data was acquired for use in calibration; however, no radiometer processing was performed. All of the radiometer science fields are invalid. ERRORS AND/OR ANOMALIES IN PREVIOUS VOLUMES Not Applicable