PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-04-29 NOTE = "Errata for PHX MOSAICS RDR archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END INTRODUCTION This file contains an accumulation of corrections and notes for the Phoenix Mosaics RDR archive. The most recent entries are listed first. CORRECTIONS AND NOTES April 29, 2009. Release 3 ---------------------------- 1. The SSI calibration report was still in preparation at the time of this release. It will be included at a later date. February 22, 2009. Release 2 ---------------------------- 1. The RAC and SSI calibration plans and reports were still in preparation at the time of this release. They will be included in Release 3, scheduled for April 29, 2009. December 23, 2008. Release 1 ---------------------------- 1. The RAC and SSI calibration plans and reports were still in preparation at the time of this release. They will be included in Release 2, scheduled for February 22, 2009.