PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2013-03-06, Initial 2013-05-24, Updated for release 2 2013-12-13, Updated for release 4 2014-07-18, Updated for release 6 2014-09-24, Added detailed descriptions for RDR overlays" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2014-09-24 NOTE = "Description of contents of EXTRAS directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The EXTRAS directory contains lower resolution versions of the Hazcam and Navcam RDR data products and supplementary rover mask files. See below for detailed descriptions about the enhanced contents of extras when terrain is in the camera field of view. BROWSE/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing middle resolution size (browse-size) JPG and PNG versions of the data products. FULL/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing full resolution size (full-size) JPG and PNG versions of the data products. MASK_DESC_FILES/MSL_rover_filter.xml - An xml file describing the horizon "mask", used when generating RDR data products. MASK_DESC_FILES/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing xml files describing the rover "mask", used when generating RDR data products. SPECIAL_PROCESSING/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing products marked with a SPECIAL PROCESSING flag. These products were created using off-nominal processing for a specific purpose during operations, at the request of operations or science team members. The purpose and processing notes are documented in the SPECIAL_CHARACTER.TXT file located in the DOCUMENT directory of this volume. It should be noted that, unlike the nominal products in the DATA directory of this volume, these products were not reprocessed using the latest software available for the archive. It is not practical to do so because each product is unique and was generated using off nominal processing. These products are included on this volume because they represent potentially significant added value to the archive. The labels provided in the SPECIAL_PROCESSING subdirectories reflect the state of software at the time the products were created. They may have more errata than nominal products. These errata generally do not affect the special processing being performed on the data, so the associated nominal EDR can be used to find proper values for any questionable label items. THUMBNAIL/SOLxxxxx/ subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing low resolution size (thumbnail-size) JPG and PNG versions of the data products. Beginning with Sol 450, when terrain is in the camera field of view the browse, full and thumbnail extras of non-image RDRs (such as XYZ, range, reachability and disparity products) have been overlaid in color on the image terrain. Below are additional details about how the overlay works for each type of data product. Note: these descriptions pertain to all of the products the MSL OPGS team generates for operations. Some of these product types may not appear on the MSL Navcam and Hazcam Archive RDR volumes. For additional detail, see the Camera SIS located in the DOCUMENT directory of this volume. Radiometrically Corrected: A radiometrically corrected grey-scale or color image. The extras for this RDR are visualized as standard image view with data range controlling brightness and contrast. The default stretch data range is set as 0.0 to 4095.0. Product Type Identifiers: IOI, LIN, RAD, RAS, RIE Disparity: The disparity product contains two bands where a pixel represents the disparity for line and sample between stereo pairs. The extras for this RDR are visualized as an image where color represents coverage of successful correlation of the pixel location between a stereo pair. Black indicates no correlation result. The default data range is set from 0.0 to 1024.0. Product Type Identifiers: DDD, DFF, DSP, DSR XYZ: The XYZ product contains pixels which are coordinates in 3-D space of the corresponding pixel in the reference image. Units are typically meters. The extras for this RDR are visualized as a 3-D contour grid where red, green, and blue contour lines correspond to constant values of X, Y, and Z respectively. By default, contours are drawn at an interval of 0.1 m with a width of 0.01 m. Every fifth contour is slightly brighter than the others, and contours that form an axis are the brightest. Product Type Identifiers: XYF, XYM, XYR, XYZ Range: The Range product contains a single band where pixels represent Cartesian distances from a reference point. This reference point is often the camera position as defined by the C point of the camera model, or a coordinate system origin. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey contour image, where contours are drawn based on distance from a reference point] and then further making it similar to the standard, but with a rainbow spread added where hue represents the distance from the origin, where by default red is at origin, blue is at distance. By default, contours are drawn at an interval of 0.1 m with a width of 0.01 m. Every fifth contour is slightly brighter than the others. Product Type Identifiers: RNF, RNG, RNM, RNR Normal: A Surface Normal product contains 3 bands where pixels are interpreted as a unit vector representing the normal to the surface at the point. The extras for this RDR are visualized as a color image where pixels with slope information are drawn in a color hue such that R,G,B correspond to the combined components of the U,V,W values, respectively. Product Type Identifiers: UVF, UVP, UVS, UVW Slope: The Slope product is a single band where pixels represent the slope in degrees. Slope of 0 is flat. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where regions with greater slope are brighter than regions with less slope] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to slope as blue is near-flat, red exceeds the max slope, and green is moderate slope. The default slope data range is 0 to 30 degrees. Product Type Identifiers: SLP Slope Rover: The slope rover product is a single band where pixels represent the component of the slope (in degrees) that was facing the rover. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have negative slope, bright positive, and grey near 0] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. The default data range is -30.0 to 30.0 degrees. Product Type Identifiers: SRD Slope Heading: The slope heading product is a single band where pixels represent the direction of the slope as a clockwise angle from north. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where region brightness corresponds to heading direction] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to heading value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. The default data range is -180.0 to 180 degrees. Product Type Identifiers: SHD Slope Magnitude: The slope magnitude product is a single band where pixels represent the magnitude of the normal unit vector projected onto the horizontal plane. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have minimal magnitude slope, brighter regions have larger magnitude] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. Default data range stretch is 0.0 to 0.5. Product Type Identifiers: SMG Slope Northerly Tilt: The slope northerly tilt product is a single band where pixels represent the component of the slope in degrees that points north. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have minimal tilt, brighter regions have larger tilt] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as red is minimum, blue is maximum, and green is average. Default data range stretch is 0.0 to 25.0. Product Type Identifiers: SNT Solar Energy: The solar energy product is a single band where pixels represent the amount of solar energy available given local slope and global location along with martian time of year. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have minimal solar energy, brighter regions have greater solar energy] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is maximum, red is minimum, and green is average. The default data range is [0.65, 0.95]. Product Type Identifiers: SEN Arm Reachability: The arm reachability map encodes information for each of the arm instruments in each of the possible arm configurations. Each band represents one of the arm instruments. Within each band, a pixel contains combined reachability values across configurations. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image with one of four intensities (black, dark grey, light grey, white) mapped from reachability values. These values are calculated as best-case across selected arm configuration, and worst-case across selected instruments] and then further making it a color image where reachability values of 0 map to black, 1 map to red, 2 map to yellow, and 3 map to green. The default settings includes selecting the first instrument across all configurations. Product Type Identifiers: ARK, ARM Arm Preload: The arm preload product is one band where a pixel indicates the maximum preload values (in Newtons) that can be applied by an instrument for each of the arm configurations. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have minimal preloadability, brighter regions have greater preloadability] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. The default settings includes selecting all configurations. Product Type Identifiers: ARP Arm Drill Roughness: The arm drill roughness product is three bands where each pixel contains roughness estimates (overall and ring) along with a "goodness" flag indicating whether the roughness meets certain criteria. This type is specific to the MSL ARM drill. [Goodness: 0.0 = No solution; 1.0 = Both ring and overall roughnesses exceed thresholds; 2.0 = Overall roughness (only) exceeds its threshold; 3.0 = Ring roughness (only) exceeds its threshold; 4.0 = Roughnesses within threshold]. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a grey scale image, such that: a) if first band selected, one of five intensities (black, dark grey, medium grey, light grey, white) mapped from goodness values; b) if second or third band selected, the image has darker regions where roughness is less, and brighter regions where roughness is greater] and then further making it a color image, such that: a) if first band selected, goodness values mapped (0: black: 1: red, 2: orange, 3: yellow, 4: green); b) if second or third band selected, a rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. By default, the first band (state) is selected for display. Product Type Identifiers: RUD Arm DRT Roughness: The arm DRT (dust removal tool) roughness product is two bands where each pixel contains an overall roughness estimate along with a "goodness" flag indicating whether the roughness meets certain criteria. This type is specific to the MSL ARM DRT. [Goodness: 0.0 = No solution; 2.0 = Overall roughness (only) exceeds its threshold; 4.0 = Roughnesses within threshold]. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a grey scale image, such that: a) if first band selected, one of five intensities (black, dark grey, medium grey, light grey, white) mapped from goodness values; b) if second band selected, the image has darker regions where roughness is less, and brighter regions where roughness is greater] and then further making it a color image, such that: a) if first band selected, goodness values mapped (0: black, 1: red, 2: orange, 3: yellow, 4: green); b) if second band selected, a rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. By default, the first band (state) is selected for display. Product Type Identifiers: RUT Range Error: The range error product is three bands which contains error values for downrange,crossrange-horizontal, and crossrange-vertical errors. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have less error, brighter regions have greater error] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. By default, the downrange-error band is selected with a data range of 0.0 to 1.0. Product Type Identifiers: RNE XYZ Error: The XYZ error product is three bands which contains error values for X, Y, and Z dimensions. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, grey image where darker regions have less error, brighter regions have greater error] and then further making it a color image with rainbow spread applied such that hue corresponds to value as blue is minimum, red maximum, and green is average. By default, the X-error band is selected with a data range of 0.0 to 1.0. Product Type Identifiers: XYE Mask: The mask product is one band where pixels have either an on or off value indicating whether the mask applies or not. The extras for this RDR are visualized as taking the original representation [a single band, black and white image, where white indicates mask exists and black indicates no mask exists] and then further making it a color image indicating in green where the mask is enabled. Product Type Identifiers: MAR, MDS, MSK, MXY