PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-07-01 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the BROWSE directory contents and browser information." END_OBJECT = TEXT END BROWSE Directory Contents The BROWSE directory contains a directory structure identical to the data directories on this CD. At the top level of this BROWSE directory are HTML formatted files which form the top level of the Mars Pathfinder IMP Image Browser. More HTML files, for use in searching for images, are located in the target directories. Each directory that contains HTML files also contains a PDS label describing those files. Each lowest level directory contains GIF and JPEG formatted versions of the PDS archive images in the corresponding data directory, as well as HTML browse pages for those images. Each collection of 1 GIF image, 1 JPEG image, and 1 HTML file is described by a PDS label. The BROWSE directory also contains an ICONS directory, which contains GIF-formatted icons used throughout the browser. Information About the Mars Pathfinder IMP Image Browser The files in this directory are a series of HTML files that provide a simple method for browsing through the Mars Pathfinder image archive. The system is designed to be viewable by many WWW browsers. Browsers must be able to handle HTML tables in order to view the pages properly. To start the image browser, open the INDEX.HTM file from this directory in your WWW browser. If you need detailed instructions on using this image browser, there is additional help available in the HELP.HTM file. There is a separate image browser for the images on each CD volume. Two versions of each PDS archive image exist in the browse subdirectories. "Thumbnail" images are reduced size images used on the image observation pages; "browse" images are full size images used on the browse pages. The browse images were created from the PDS archive images by reducing them from 12-bit to 8-bit and converting them to GIF format. The thumbnail images were converted to 8-bit, scaled down to maximum dimensions of 50 pixels in height or 100 pixels in width (retaining the original aspect ratio), and then converting them to JPEG format. The choice was made to use both GIF and JPEG formats, so that for a given PDS archive image, both browse images, an HTML file, and a PDS label, could all be stored in the same directory with the same file name. There are six different types of pages in this image browser. The top page (file INDEX.HTM) is the starting point. It has general information about the browser structure. It also links to the definition page, help page, and target pages. The definition page contains keyword definitions for parameters from the PDS image labels that are used in this browser. The help page explains the components of the browser and how to navigate through the browser. Each target directory has a target page (file INDEX.HTM) that links to the image observation pages. The observation pages are located in the same directory as the target page and are named using the first five characters of the target, followed by three digits that increment for each observation. Finally, in the lowest level directories, each image has a page that displays the image along with keywords and values from the PDS label.