PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 1998-07-01 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the Mars Pathfinder IMP EDR archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation files for the Mars Pathfinder IMP EDR image archive. All files ending in ".ASC" are plain ASCII text files, which are viewable on any host. The ".HTM" files are HyperText Markup Language files, viewable with most web browsers. The ".PDF" files are stored as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. To read these, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available for free from "http://www.adobe.com". The ".LBL" files are PDS formatted labels describing the other files of the same name. The DOCUMENT directory contains a subdirectory called IMAGES, which contains GIF and JPEG formatted images used in the HTML documents. These image portions of the documents are described by PDS labels contained in the IMAGES directory. The following files are found in the DOCUMENT directory: DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are now reading. CONTACTS.ASC - Standard ASCII text file containing a list of many of the people associated with the Mars Pathfinder mission. Also includes a brief description of each person's role on the mission and their contact information. CONTACTS.LBL - PDS label describing CONTACTS.ASC. DATASET.HTM - HyperText version of the DATASET.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder IMP EDR dataset. DATASET.LBL - PDS label describing DATASET files. EDRSIS.HTM - HyperText version of the "Mars Pathfinder Project Lander Imager for Mars Pathfinder Experiment Data Record". This document is a software interface specification describing the format of the IMP Experiment Data Records. EDRSIS.LBL - PDS label describing EDRSIS files. EDRSIS.PDF - Adobe PDF version of the IMP EDR SIS. IMPUG*.HTM - HyperText verion of "User's Guide: The Imager for Mars Pathfinder", Version 1.3, February 3, 1997. IMPUG.LBL - PDS label describing the IMPUG files. IMPUG.PDF - Adobe PDF version of the IMP User's Guide. INST.HTM - HyperText version of the INST.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Imager for Mars Pathfinder. INST.LBL - PDS label describing INST files. INSTHOST.HTM - HyperText version of the INSTHOST.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder lander. INSTHOST.LBL - PDS label describing the INSTHOST files. MISSION.HTM - HyperText version of the MISSION.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A high-level description of the Mars Pathfinder mission. MISSION.LBL - PDS label describing the MISSION files. REF.HTM - HyperText version of the REF.CAT file in the CATALOG directory. A list of references related to the Mars Pathfinder mission. REF.LBL - PDS label describing the REF files. VOLSIS.HTM - HyperText version of the "Mars Pathfinder Imager for Mars Pathfinder (MPF) Experiment Data Record (EDR) Compact Disc - Read Only Memory (CD-ROM) Software Interface Specification (SIS)". A detailed description of the format and contents of this CD. VOLSIS.LBL - PDS label describing the VOLSIS files. VOLSIS.PDF - Adobe PDF version of the MPF IMP EDR CD-ROM SIS. The following files are found in the DOCUMENT/IMAGES directory: DATASET*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the dataset description. DATASET*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the dataset description. DATASET.LBL - PDS label describing the DATASET images. DATASET*.TIF - TIFF formatted images used in the dataset description. EDRSIS*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the IMP EDR SIS. EDRSIS.LBL - PDS label describing the EDRSIS images. IMPUG*.GIF - GIF formatted figures and tables from the IMP User's Guide. IMPUG*.JPG - JPEG formatted figures and tables from the IMP User's Guide. IMPUG.LBL - PDS label describing the IMPUG images. INST*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the instrument description. INST*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the instrument description. INST.LBL - PDS label describing the INST images. INSTHST*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the instrument host description. INSTHST*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the instrument host description. INSTHST.LBL - PDS label describing the INSTHST images. MISSION*.GIF - GIF formatted images used in the mission description. MISSION*.JPG - JPEG formatted images used in the mission description. MISSION.LBL - PDS label describing the MISSION images. MISSION*.TIF - TIFF formatted images used in the mission description.