PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-05-06 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the MDIS uncalibrated data archive volume." END_OBJECT = TEXT END ===================================================================== INTRODUCTION ===================================================================== The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation that is considered to be either necessary or useful for users to understand the archive data set. Documents may be included in multiple forms (ASCII, PDF, MS Word, HTML with image file pointers, etc.). Included are the following documents. The DOCUMENT directory also contains a subdirectory, LDD, that contains catalog files defining terms in the MESSENGER Local Data Dictionary. ===================================================================== DOCUMENT DIRECTORY ===================================================================== DOCINFO.TXT: Identifies and describes the function of each file in the DOCUMENT directory. (This File) MDISEDRSIS.TXT: The MDIS EDR SIS: "MERCURY DUAL IMAGING SYSTEM (MDIS) EXPERIMENTAL DATA RECORD (EDR) SOFTWARE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION (SIS) VERSION 2T" in ASCII text format. Only the text is provided; for illustrations, tables, etc. one of the other formats should be consulted. MDISEDRSIS.PDF: The MDIS EDR SIS: "MERCURY DUAL IMAGING SYSTEM (MDIS) EXPERIMENTAL DATA RECORD (EDR) SOFTWARE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION (SIS) VERSION 2T" in Adobe Acrobat format. Note that, in contrast to the .TXT version, the illustrations, tables, etc. will display appropriately. MDISEDRSIS.DOC: The MDIS EDR SIS: "MERCURY DUAL IMAGING SYSTEM (MDIS) EXPERIMENTAL DATA RECORD (EDR) SOFTWARE INTERFACE SPECIFICATION (SIS) VERSION 2T" in Microsoft Word format. MDISEDRSIS.LBL: The detached label for the various MDIS EDR SIS files. PDSDD.FUL: The PDS Data Dictionary that includes definitions of all keywords used in MESSENGER data labels, including MESSENGER-specific keywords (i.e. the MESSENGER Local Data Dictionary). This is a text file that is human-readable and also usable as input to PDS label validation software. Please note the following: PDSDD.IDX: Not included in the archive. The data dictionary index file is platform and configuration dependent, therefore it is not included in the archive and must be generated by the user using the MAKE_INDEX program. This program can be obtained from the PDS software download page at: http://pds/tools/software_download.cfm. PDSDD.LBL: Not included in the archive. The PDS data dictionary, like a catalog file, only contains PDS objects, and thus does not require a label. ===================================================================== LDD DIRECTORY ===================================================================== The LDD (Local Data Dictionary) directory contains 72 catalog files (*.CAT) each of which defines one term in the MDIS local data dictionary. Each file is named after the term that it defines - .CAT - containing the ELEMENT_DEFINITION object for that term. The underscores were removed from the file names due to a difficulty with the archiving software being used. ===================================================================== The instrument paper: Hawkins, S. E., III, J. Boldt, E. H. Darlington (all at JHU/APL), R. Espiritu (ACT), R. E. Gold, B. Gotwols, M. Grey (both at JHU/APL), C. Hash (ACT), J. Hayes, S. Jaskulek, C. Kardian, M. Keller (all at JHU/APL), E. Malaret (ACT), S. L. Murchie, P. Murphy, K. Peacock, L. Prockter, A. Reiter (all at JHU/APL), M. S. Robinson (Northwestern Univ.), E. Schaefer, R. Shelton, R. Sterner, H. Taylor (all at JHU/APL), T. Watters (NASM), and B. Williams (JHU/APL), The Mercury Dual Imaging System on the MESSENGER spacecraft, Space Science Reviews, 131, 247-338, 2007. [HAWKINSETAL2007] should be consulted in conjunction with using data in this archive.