PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2016-12-19 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII NOTE = "Errata for the Mars Exploration Rover 1 Operations Mosaics." END_OBJECT = TEXT END This document describes errors concerning the MER1 Operations Mosaics image archive. Please keep checking back for updates as it is currently under construction. 1. Missing keywords from header in PDS label The following mosaics have key camera model and projection data keywords missing from the header in the PDS label. However, the VICAR label is fine. merb navcam site0056 1nn522zzl56vrtf7p0703l000m2.img merb navcam site0060 1nn591eff60polwdp1600l000m2.img merb pancam site0003 1pp018iff03cyp38p2263a222m2.img merb pancam site0003 1pp018iff03cyp38p2263l222m2.img 2. START_AZIMUTH and STOP_AZIMUTH The values for START_AZIMUTH and STOP_AZIMUTH are not always correct in describing the azimuth range of the mosaic for data acquired before Sol 700, for both the PDS and VICAR labels. Alternatively, the LEFTAZ and RIGHTAZ keyword values in the VICAR label should be used. 3. PRODUCT_ID and FILENAME mismatch Mosaics in the archive consist of both "machine generated" and "analyst generated" products. In the early days, the process for filename versioning and PRODUCT_ID versioning to distinguish between the "machine" and "analyst" generated products wasn't always consistent. When OPGS reprocessed the archive mosaics, this mismatch was corrected. However, mosaics for sols <1,000 were not reprocessed, thus a handful of filename/PRODUCT_ID mismatches still exist in the archive. 4. Possible error in .LIS files Some .LIS files have possibly obsoleted entries for the source products and therefore should not be considered reliable. As these files are not required archive products, there will be little to no attempt to correct them due to limited resources. 5. Dark browse images Some browse images within the EXTRAS sub-drectory may be too dark. This could be due to an older version of the software that produces the JPGs. 6. Product size smaller than label indicates Some mosaics from Sols 1801-2610 are smaller than the label indicates. When the mosaics were renamed, to remove the # character, they appear to have been truncated in the process of file name changing. 7. Incorrect file names The following mosaic products are incorrecly named: MM199ILF30PER05P2906M222M2 - should be site 35 pos 05 -> 1MM199ILF35PER05P2906M222M2 1NN583EFF60CYLIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583EFF60CYLI0P1605L000M2 1NN583EFF60CYPIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583EFF60CYPI0P1605L000M2 1NN583EFF60CYPIOP1605R000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583EFF60CYPI0P1605R000M2 1NN583EFF60POLIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583EFF60POLI0P1605L000M2 1NN583EFF60VRTIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583EFF60VRTI0P1605L000M2 1NN583FFL60VRTIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583FFL60VRTI0P1605L000M2 1NN583XYL60VRTIOP1605L000M2 - should be site 60 pos i0 (zero, not letter o) -> 1NN583XYL60VRTI0P1605L000M2 8. Missing headers The following mosaic products are missing headers: merb navcam site0056 1nn522zzl56vrtf7p0703l000m2.img merb navcam site0060 1nn591eff60polwdp1600l000m2.img merb pancam site0003 1pp018iff03cyp38p2263a222m2.img merb pancam site0003 1pp018iff03cyp38p2263l222m2.img 9. Sol numbers above 999 For MER mosaics after sol 999, the sol number is forced into the three digits allocated in the filename using a three digit alphanumeric. Unfortunately, the same three digit value is assigned to PLANET_DAY_NUMBER in the label, so what should be an integer value is not always one. Example: mosaic 2MMD60ILFAWPER00P2936M222M2 has PLANET_DAY_NUMBER = D60. 10. Octothorpes in filename related fields Products with filenames containng underscores, "_", were originally created with octothorpes, "#", but as the octothorpe is not a valid PDS character within a filename, they were changed to underscores instead. This correction, however, did not carry through to filename related fields, e.g. PRODUCT_ID, within the attached PDS label. Hence, the filename of the file will not match the filename within the label in these cases.