PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-11-30 NOTE = "Comments on Moon Mineralogy Mapper, Level 2 Version 1.0 Data Product Archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END This file contains an accumulation of corrections and notes for the CH-1 M3 Level 2 Data Product Archive. The most recent entries are listed first. 1) 28-30 August 2012: Added two cross-track correction tables, one for global mode and another for target mode, to the EXTRAS directory (refer to the detached labels for more information): M3G20120120_CROSSTRACK_CORR.TAB & *.LBL M3T20120120_CROSSTRACK_CORR.TAB & *.LBL Also corrected "2700 nm" to "2500 nm" in the labels for the alternative photometry tables in the EXTRAS directory: M3G20120120_RFL_F_APLHA.LBL M3T20120120_RFL_F_APLHA.LBL Changed the title of the reference BESSEETAL2012 in REF.CAT. 2) 06 March 2012: Added two alternative photometry tables, one for global mode and another for target mode, to the EXTRAS directory (refer to the detached labels for more information): M3G20120120_RFL_F_ALPHA_HIL.TAB & *.LBL M3T20120120_RFL_F_ALPHA_HIL.TAB & *.LBL 3) 06 March 2012: Fixed typos in two labels in the CALIB directory: M3T20111109_RFL_F_ALPHA_HIL.LBL - Corrected typo in DESCRIPTION for table column 2. M3G20111109_RFL_F_ALPHA_HIL.LBL - Corrected typo in DESCRIPTION for table column 2 and in PRODUCT_ID. 4) April 2011: Non-standard PDS unit, Astronomical Unit (AU) The keyword element, SOLAR_DISTANCE, contains a value that uses the Astronomical Unit (AU), a non-standard PDS unit, as the unit of measurement. The SOLAR_DISTANCE value is used by the M3 team as a measure of the distance to the Sun to modulate the solar irradiance. The solar flux varies a few percent (as 1/R^2) as the to-Sun distance varies from about 0.98 to 1.02 AU during the year. The AU, a basic non-SI unit of length for bodies within the solar system, is recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for use in astronomy and planetary science. The AU is also recognized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). For more information see http://www.iau.org/science/publications/proceedings_rules/units/ http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/outside.html