PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-10-21 NOTE = "Description of the GEOMETRY data for the M3 PDS Archive." END_OBJECT = TEXT END GEOMETRY Data for M3 PDS Archive The following information is taken from the M3 Archive Volume Software Interface Specification. It describes the spice kernels needed for M3 Pointing calculations. ------------------------------------------------ Geometry Directory Contents The Geometry Directory contains a single file, GEOMINFO.TXT, which directs the reader to the various SPICE kernels that contain the data necessary to interpret observation geometry. The geometry data for M3 are archived in three SPICE kernels in this directory. Additional required information on the data-derived Chandrayaan-1 attitude are stored as keywords in the PDS label for each image file as orbit frame roll, pitch and yaw values. The three relevant SPICE kernels are: 1) CH-1 (Chandrayaan-1) ephemeris (spacecraft location and velocities relative to J2000 system) as SPICE BSP kernel. Filename: CH-1-JPL-MERGED-23-MARCH-2010-1220.BSP Type: BINARY, SPICE SPK Produced by: JPL Nav Team 2) CH-1 spacecraft clock kernel (relates spacecraft clock tics to ET/UTC times via a TDT base time frame) as SPICE SCLK kernel. Filename: AIG_CH1_SCLK_COMPLETE_BIASED_M1P816.TSC Type: ASCII, SPICE SCLK Produced by: M3 Science Team 3) CH-1 Instrument kernel that describes the polygonal field of view for the 608 active samples in Target Mode. Filename: M3_TARGET_MODE_CAMERA.IK Type: ASCII, SPICE IK Produced by: M3 Science Team