PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2007-08-12, Initial 2008-08-05, Revision 2008-08-28, Revision 2010-02-09, Revision 2010-06-30, Revision 2010-10-25, Revision 2010-12-15, Revision, 2011-09-28, Revision" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2011-10-21 NOTE = "Description of the DOCUMENT directory contents for the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) PDS Archive" END_OBJECT = TEXT END DOCUMENT Directory Contents The DOCUMENT directory contains data set document objects. The following files are found in this directory. DOCINFO.TXT - The file you are reading. DPSIS.PDF - M3 Data Products Software Interface Specification. This file contains a description of the data products present in all of the M3 data sets and archive volumes. DPSIS.LBL - The label to the M3 Data Products Software Interface Specification. ARCHSIS.PDF - M3 Archive Volume Software Interface Specification. This file contains a description of the data products present in all of the M3 archive volumes. ARCHSIS.LBL - The label to the M3 Archive Volume Software Interface Specification. L1B_NAV_DESC.ASC - Short document describing spacecraft orientation, attitude models, and related keywords as relevant to L1B data products. M3_COVERAGE_BY_OP_FIG2_4.JPG - Figure of the M3 coverage of the lunar surface by optical period as included in the M3 Data Product SIS document. M3_COVERAGE_BY_OP_FIG2_4.LBL - The label to the figure of M3 coverage of the lunar surface. M3_OPTICAL_DESIGN_FIG2_2.JPG - M3 optical design figure as included in the M3 Data Product SIS document. M3_OPTICAL_DESIGN_FIG2_2.LBL - The label to the M3 optical design figure. M3_OP_INFO.ASC - File containing a short description of each M3 optical period. It includes the name of the first and the last M3 image acquisition that span each optical period. M3_OP_INFO.LBL - The label to the overview of M3 operations by Optical Period document. MINERAL_RFL_SPECTRA_FIG2_1.JPG - Plot of selected M3 reflectance spectra of lunar minerals as included in the M3 Data Product SIS document. MINERAL_RFL_SPECTRA_FIG2_1.LBL - The label to the plot of M3 reflectance spectra of lunar minerals. M3_L0_TIME_DECODING.TXT - Detailed description of format and usage of M3 raw time data.