PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2009-07-01, Initial" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2010-06-30 NOTE = "Description of contents of EXTRAS directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The EXTRAS directory contains documentation regarding the M3 instrument detector temperature for each M3 image acquisition as well as a brief description of each optical imaging period. M3MYYYYMMDD_LABFF.IMG: Laboratory based flat field image. M3MYYYYMMDD_LABFF.HDR: ENVI header associated with the Laboratory based flat field image. M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_FF.IMG: Image-based flat field image with cross-track low frequency preserved. M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_FF.HDR: ENVI header associated with the image-based flat field image. M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_BDE.IMG: Bad detector elements map. M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_BDE.HDR: ENVI header associated with the bad detector elements map. LunConstantsModels_2005_jpl_d32296.pdf: Lunar Constants and Models Document. LunCoordWhitePaper-10-08.pdf: A Standardized Lunar Coordinate System for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and Lunar Datasets. /LOGS subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing data lost to poor compression or complete packet loss are noted in the M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_L0_VNN.LOG files. /BROWSE subdirectory: Subdirectory of EXTRAS containing a single-band albedo JPEG image (M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_VNN_QL_BNNN.JPG) and a single-band thermal JPEG image (M3MYYYYMMDDHHMMSS_VNN_QL_BNNN.JPG) for each M3 radiance image cube.