
Understanding the NIMS Mask

The NIMS mask is designed to provide a quick summary of the contents of a NIMS data cube (or tube). It displays a view of both the spatial and spectral content of the data. Note that the mask is *not* intended for scientific analysis. Browse the masks to discover which observations are of interest, then display and analyze the corresponding tubes and cubes.

The mask has four regions. Starting from the upper left and proceeding clockwise: a spatial display; six or fewer representative spectra; annotation; and a spectral histogram.

The spatial display of an observation which has been projected and resampled (a cube) has a maximum size of 600x600 pixels. This is overlaid with surface coordinates and is embedded in a 700x700 grid of pixel coordinates. It is accompanied by two 1-dimensional histograms describing the raw image and the image stretched for display. The data image can range from a simple combination of up to 3 NIMS bands displayed in the RGB planes, to complicated arithmetic functions of NIMS bands displayed in the RGB planes. (The formulas appear as annotation below the histograms.) The graphics directly below the image show the input and output data histograms for the three color planes. The "shortest" color for each bin displays in front. The image also contains from one to six numbered rectangles, which show the areas from which averaged spectra (displayed on the right) were taken.

The spatial display of an observation in time sequence (a tube) is a graphic showing a footprint of the observation over a grid of surface coordinates on the target body. Numerals 1-6 on the graphic mark the locations of the average spectra displayed on the right.

The spectra to the right of the image may display either BDRF or radiance (or both). If both are displayed, then a vertical "radiance fence" line will appear where the breakpoint occurs. This permits display of both atmospheric data, which have significant reflectance and thermal components, and I/F satellite surface data which have strong absorptions at longer wavelengths (such as water spectra.) The spectra are labelled with wavelength in microns and location in both pixel and latitude-longitude space.

The annotation provides information about the observation, including its name, a brief description, its geometry, instrument and projection parameters. TCA is the time from Galileo's closest approach to the target body.

The 2-dimensional spectral histogram in the lower left corner shows the number of pixels at a given radiance for each wavelength. If a surface contains spatial mixtures with significantly different spatial fractions for several components, the spectra of the components will be evident in this display.
