CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL RECORD_TYPE = STREAM SPACECRAFT_NAME = "GALILEO ORBITER" OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "CATALOG STATUS DESCRIPTION" END_OBJECT END CATALOG STATUS DESCRIPTION The following memorandum describes the current status of the MIPS Galileo SSI Catalog after being updated with SPICE information. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM 21 June, 1993 To: Lisa Wainio From: Gary Yagi Subject: Status of SSI Catalog SPICE information CATSPICE currently does not enter information into the following fields of the Overview Domain of the SSI Catalog: ASD Angular semi-diameter (missing routines EDLIMB, EL2CGV) HOUR_ANGLE SMEAR_MAGNITUDE Magnitude of camera smear (pixels) CATSPICE currently does not enter ORBIT_NUMBER in the Predict Domain of the PWS Catalog (not available in min-E-kernel). You should not expect these fields to be implemented in the near future since there are more pressing matters which need to be dealt with. The following problems involving Earth2 encounter frames have been corrected: (1) TCA and TCA_SAT was calculated from Earth1 rather than Earth2. (2) SCET was wrong for all extended-exposure summation mode frames and all extended-exposure dark-current frames. The SSI Overview Domain has been updated using the actual (telemetered) C-kernels for Earth2. There were approximately 200 frames for which the actual pointing was not available. I have requested Nat Bachman to use interpolation to compute these missing values. However, systematic processing should proceed without waiting for these. Some of the Catalog fields dealing with image geometery are only computed if the target is a planetary body or asteroid (not for BLACK_SKY or calibration). Other fields are computed only if the target is within the predicted field-of-view. See the section on "COMPUTING GEOMETRY DATA" in the CATSPICE help file for details. SPICE information for SSI is available for the following loads: EV06 180626.00-190641.00 VENUS VE09 593358.00-599050.00 OPNAV & Calibration VE11 609591.00-620411.00 EARTH1 VE12 622949.00-623035.00 OPNAV & Calibration EE02 997577.00-1061289.45 OPNAV EE3P 1072715.70-1073185.13 GASPRA EE09 1632882.89-1645416.43 EARTH2 EE11 1649094.89-1665095.59 EARTH2 SPICE information for PWS is available for the following loads: EV06 177221.52-191567.13 VENUS VE09 543042.13-605226.13 VE11 608579.00-620409.00 EARTH1 VE12 622781.13-701216.65 EE3 1071597.52-1073790.00 GASPRA EE09 1629606.89-1640602.05 EARTH2 EE11 1650777.05-1672083.00 EARTH2 The following tables summarize the SSI Overview or PWS Predict fields updated as a function of type of kernel input. All non-blank entries are updated. An 'I' indicates that the data comes directly from the input kernel. An 'X' indicates that the data comes from the best CK or SPK available. A 'C' indicates that the field is computed from SPICE data or represents a flag. Fields not yet implemented by CATSPICE are indicated by an '*'. SSI OVERVIEW FIELD EK SPK CK SSI OVERVIEW FIELD EK SPK CK ------------------ --- --- --- ------------------ --- --- --- SCLK I RA,DEC,TWIST X X I SCET I SC_TGT_RANGE X I X SCET_YEAR I SC_CB_RANGE X I X SCET_DAY I SC_LAT X I X SCET_HOUR I SC_LON X I X SCET_MINUTE I SUN_LAT X I X SCET_SECOND I SUN_LON X I X SCET_MILLI I SC_SUB_RANGE C C C ACTIVITY_ID I SLANT_RANGE C C C ORBIT_NUMBER I TCA C C C OAPEL I TCA_SAT C C C ACT_SEQNUM I RESOLUTION C C C ACTIVITY_SUB I MIN_LAT C C C PICNO I MAX_LAT C C C TARGET I MIN_LON C C C PRED_IMAGING I MAX_LON C C C PRED_EXPOS I C_LAT C C C PRED_TLMFMT I C_LON C C C PRED_FILTER I INCIDENCE C C C PRED_GAIN I PHASE C C C SPICE_E_ID I EMISSION C C C SPICE_P_ID I ASD* C C C SPICE_S_ID I HOUR_ANGLE* C C C SPICE_C_ID I SMEAR_MAGNITUDE* C C C VIEWUPD_DAY C C C VIEWUPD_YEAR C C C PWS PREDICT FIELD EK SPK PWS PREDICT FIELD EK SPK ------------------ --- --- ------------------ --- --- BEGIN_SCLK I ACTIVITY_ID I END_SCLK I TARGET I BEGIN_SCET I WF_MODE I END_SCET I WF_SELECT I B_SCET_YEAR I ANTENNA_SW I B_SCET_DAY I CALIBRATION I B_SCET_HOUR I WF_REC_MODE I B_SCET_MINUTE I ANTENNA_MODE I B_SCET_SECOND I POWER I B_SCET_MILLI I ORBIT_NUMBER* I E_SCET_YEAR I SC_CB_RANGE X I E_SCET_DAY I SC_LON X I E_SCET_HOUR I SC_LAT X I E_SCET_MINUTE I PHASE X I E_SCET_SECOND I SPICE_E_ID I E_SCET_MILLI I SPICE_P_ID I PREDUPD_DAY C C SPICE_S_ID I PREDUPD_YEAR C C Distribution: Megan O'Shaughnessy Helen Mortensen Teri Hefferan The following is the help of the MIPS program CATSPICE CATSPICE - Creates/updates frame records in the Galileo Catalog PURPOSE: CATSPICE reads SSI and PWS SPICE kernels and stores the data in the Galileo Catalog. For NIMS kernels, see program CATNIMS. See also programs SSIMEK and PWSMEK. EXECUTION STATEMENT: CATSPICE INP=ssi-e-kernel-filename 'EK 'SSI user-parameters... CATSPICE INP=pws-e-kernel-filename 'EK 'PWS user-parameters... CATSPICE INP=spk-kernel-filename 'SPK user-parameters... CATSPICE INP=c-kernel-filename 'CK user-parameters... The keywords 'EK,'SPK,or 'CK identify the type of kernel being input. The keywords 'SSI or 'PWS specify the Catalog to be updated (default is 'ALL). REFERENCES: (1) GLL SIS 232-12 SSI Image Catalog (Cruise) (2) GLL SIS 232-13 PWS Data Catalog (Cruise) (3) IOM SROP-GLL-90-038, V. Henderson, "20 Character Activity ID" (4) FORTRAN source for NAIF subroutine MEKRDS (5) GLL Sequence Component Definition Document, 625-540, vols. II and III (6) GLL document 625-610: SIS 211-13, Standard Sequence Data File (7) GLL document 625-610: SIS 211-13, Spacecraft Even File OPERATION: CATSPICE will accept the following types of kernels as input: SSI or PWS mini-E kernels (EK) S-kernels, P-kernels, or SP-kernels (SK,PK,SPK) SSI shutter-centered C-kernels (CK) The EK consists of ancillary data records for a sequence of camera events. For the SSI, a data record contains the activity-id, spacecraft clock (SCLK), spacecraft-event-time (SCET), filter number, shutter setting, gain state, telemetry format, imaging mode, and data compression mode for a given image. An SP-kernel contains ephemeris (position and velocity) information for the spacecraft, planet, and satellites for a specific time interval. A C-kernel contains the camera pointing information for a sequence of SSI images. Only SSI shutter-centered C-kernels may be input. If an E-kernel is input (as indicated by the 'EK keyword), the keyword 'SSI or 'PWS must be specified to indicate which instrument it applies to. When an E-kernel is processed, new entries are normally created in the SSI Overview Domain or the PWS Predict domain. However, if a Catalog entry for the same SCLK already exists, that entry is retrieved and updated with the information in the EK. In addition, CATSPICE will access the Kernel Database and determine the best camera pointing and ephemeris information currently available. This information is retrieved by loading the appropriate CK and/or SPK and used to add or update the geometric fields for the Catalog entry. If an SP-kernel is input (as indicated by the 'SPK keyword), all existing Catalog entries for the time period covered by the SPK are updated with ephemeris information retrieved from the SPK. In addition, each such entry is updated with the best camera pointing information available, as determined by scanning the Kernel Database. If a C-kernel is input (as indicated by the 'CK keyword), all existing Catalog records for these images are updated with the pointing information retrieved from the CK. In addition, each such entry is updated with the best ephemeris information available, as determined by scanning the Kernel Database. Note that only the SSI Overview Domain is updated, since PWS data are not effected by platform pointing information. Note that inputing an SPK or CK will only update existing catalog entries, i.e., entries already created by a previous execution of CATSPICE on an E-kernel. The keyword 'NOUPDATE suppresses updating of the Galileo Catalog. The default is 'UPDATE. The keyword 'NOLIST will suppress printing of catalogue information for each entry updated. Default is 'LIST. The SCLK parameter specifies a spacecraft clock range. Only SPICE kernel data within this range are stored in the Catalog. The default is to use the entire kernel. The keywords 'SK,'PK,and 'SPK are functionally equivalent and will lead to identical program operation. More detailed information is given below under the following headings: SSI MINI-E-KERNEL PROCESSING SSI SPK PROCESSING SSI CK PROCESSING COMPUTING SSI GEOMETRY DATA PWS MINI-E-KERNEL PROCESSING PWS SPK PROCESSING COMPUTING PWS GEOMETRY DATA PROGRAM HISTORY EXAMPLES EXAMPLES: DCL ASSIGN GLL3:[SPICE_KER.MEK] SPICE$MEK STOREKDB SPICE$KER:T900129.BSP_1 'SPK STOREKDB SPICE$KER:PRED_EV6.CK 'CK CATSPICE SPICE$KER:SSI_EV06DG.MEK 'EK 'SSI CATSPICE SPICE$KER:PWS_EV06DG.MEK 'EK 'PWS Predict SPK and CK covering the Galileo Venus encounter are first entered into the Kernel Database via program STOREKDB. SSI and PWS mini-E-kernels are then catalogued, creating new entries in the SSI Overview Domain and PWS Predict Domain. CATSPICE will retrieve the SPK and CK from the Kernel Database and use these data to transfer the ephemeris and pointing data to each new entry. STOREKDB SPICE$KER:T900129.BSP_2 'SPK CATSPICE SPICE$KER:T900129.BSP_2 'SPK At some later time, a better SPK for the Venus encounter is received from NAIF. STOREKDB is used to enter the SPK into the Kernel Database (optional) and CATSPICE is used to update both SSI Overview and PWS Predict Domains of the Galileo Catalog with the improved ephemeris data. CATSPICE SPICE$KER:MIPS_NAV.CK 'CK SCLK=(18062500,19067300) After all Venus frames have been navigated via VICAR program NAV, CATSPICE is used to update the SSI Overview Domain with the improved camera pointing information. The SCLK parameter is specified to limit the updated records to the Venus frames. STOREKDB is not run here because the NAV CK is already in the Kernel Database. The PWS Predict Domain is not updated since this domain contains no camera pointing information. It is recommended that all kernels reside in the same disk directory and that the logical name SPICE$KER be used to reference this directory. This will facilitate relocation of the files. SSI MINI-E-KERNEL PROCESSING: The following items are extracted from each mini-E-kernel record: activity-ID, SCLK, telemetry format, picture count, imaging mode, filter position, exposure setting, and gain-state. The remaining items in the EK (SCET, picno, extension code, compressor state, compressor mode, light flood) are ignored. An EK record is ignored if: (1) the picture count is the same as that for the previous EK record, or (2) the exposure number is 0 (NO_SHUT) or greater than 29, or (3) the SCLK is outside the user-specified range Extracting the telemetry format: The telemetry format field in the EK contains a 3-character real-time format which is sometimes followed by a 3-character tape-recorder format. The real-time and tape-recorder format are examined as follows: (1) If the format is "NCG" (no change), the format is replaced by the format for the previous record. (2) The format is compared with a list of valid telemetry formats. (3) If the format is valid, it is checked to see if it contains data for the requested instrument (SSI or PWS). If the real-time format contains useful data, it is used. If not, the tape-recorder format is used. If neither format contains useful data, the telemetry format is replaced by "?". Adjusting the SCLK: The spacecraft clock in the EK is the time the command is issued. This time has to be adjusted by rounding up to the start of the next frame-cycle. This is dependent on image mode as follows: IMODE STARTING MOD91 ------ ---------------------------------------------------- 60 2/3 0 30 1/3 0, 45 8 2/3 0, 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78 (multiples of 13) 3 1/3 0, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28, 32, 35, 39, 42, 46, 49, 53, 56, 60, 63, 67, 70, 74, 77, 81, 84, 88 (multiples of 3.5 rounded up) The resulting time will correspond to the spacecraft clock recorded in the picture labels of images received by the real-time system. Note that this algorithm makes use of the RIM and MOD91 counters only. Determining the target-ID: Prior to Earth-1 (SCLK=59335800) the target-ID was determined from the first character of the activity-ID. Starting with Earth-1, the third character is used (ref 3). Computing the SCET at shutter-center: The SCET in the EK is ignored. Instead, the Spacecraft-Event-Time at shutter-center is computed from the spacecraft clock (see routine SSIMIDPT). The SCLK at frame-start is first converted to milliseconds and then the camera prepare cycle (filter-wheel step and dark-current sweep), shutter-offset, and half of the exposure time is added. The result is converted to encoded-SCLK, ephemeris time, and UTC. The following fields of the SSI Overview Domain are updated based upon information extracted from the E-kernel: SCLK Spacecraft clock (100*RIM + MOD91) SCET Spacecraft-Event-Time: YYDDDHHMM SCET_YEAR Spacecraft-Event-Time year SCET_DAY Spacecraft-Event-Time day-of-year SCET_HOUR Spacecraft-Event-Time hours SCET_MINUTE Spacecraft-Event-Time minutes SCET_SECOND Spacecraft-Event-Time seconds SCET_MILLI Spacecraft-Event-Time milliseconds ACTIVITY_ID Activity-ID ORBIT_NUMBER Orbit or cruise phase (characters 1-2 of Activity-ID) OAPEL 6-char OAPEL (characters 5-10 of Activity ID) ACT_SEQNUM 2-char sequence number (characters 11-12 of Activity-ID) ACTIVITY_SUB Activity-ID subfields (characters 13-20 of Activity-ID) PICNO Picture number TARGET Target-body name (12 characters) PRED_IMAGING Predict imaging mode (2.333, 8.667, 30.333, 60.667) PRED_EXPOS Predict exposure time (msec) PRED_TLMFMT Predict telemetry format (3 characters) PRED_FILTER Predict filter name (7 characters) PRED_GAIN Predict gain-state (10K, 40K, 100K, 400K) SPICE_E_ID E-kernel ID (always "N001") In addition, the geometric data in the Overview Domain are updated using the best CK and SPK data available in the Kernel Database (see COMPUTING SSI GEOMETRY DATA below). Finally, Overview fields VIEWUPD_DAY and VIEWUPD_YEAR are updated with the current date. SSI SPK PROCESSING: All entries within the SCET range covered by the SPK are retrieved from the SSI Overview Domain and the geometry data for these frames are updated (see COMPUTING SSI GEOMETRY DATA below). In addition, if the kernel is an SPK or PK, then the following Overview field is updated: SPICE_P_ID P-kernel ID (e.g. N0001) If the kernel is an SPK or SK, then the following Overview field is updated: SPICE_S_ID S-kernel ID (e.g. N0001) Finally, Overview fields VIEWUPD_DAY and VIEWUPD_YEAR are updated with the current date. SSI CK PROCESSING: All entries within the SCET range covered by the CK are retrieved from the SSI Overview Domain and the geometry data for these frames are updated (see COMPUTING SSI GEOMETRY DATA below). Finally, Overview fields VIEWUPD_DAY and VIEWUPD_YEAR are updated with the current date. COMPUTING SSI GEOMETRY DATA All SSI geometry data is computed at shutter-center. The best CK and SPK data recorded in the Kernel Database is normally used. However, if a CK or SPK is input to CATSPICE, that kernel will take precedence over all other kernels in the database. If the CK data is available for a given SCLK, the following SSI Overview fields are updated: SPICE_C_ID C-Kernel used (NAIF, DAVI, NAV, FARE, NAV2, NEAR, AMOS) RA Scan-platform right-ascension (degrees) DEC Scan-platform declination (degrees) TWIST Scan-platform twist (degrees) If the target body is BLACK_SKY or calibration, no other geometry data is computed. If the target body is a planet, satellite, or asteroid, and if the corresponding SPK data is available, the following Overview fields are updated: SC_TGT_RANGE Distance from spacecraft to center of target-body (km) SC_CB_RANGE Distance from spacecraft to center of central-body (km) SC_LON Subspacecraft-point west-longitude (degrees) SC_LAT Subspacecraft-point planetocentric latitude (degrees) SUN_LON Subsolar-point west-longitude (degrees) SUN_LAT Subsolar-point planetocentric latitude (degrees) SC_SUB_RANGE Spacecraft-to-Subspacecraft-Point distance (km) TCA Time from closest approach to central-body (DDDHHMMSS) TCA_SAT Time from closest approach to target-body (DDDHHMMSS) If any portion of the target-body is visible in the image, the following Overview fields are also computed: RESOLUTION Picture scale in km/pixel SLANT_RANGE Distance from spacecraft to optical-axis intercept point (km) MIN_LAT Minimum latitude in image MAX_LAT Maximum latitude in image MIN_LON Minimum west-longitude in image MAX_LON Maximum west-longitude in image The point in the image at which the RESOLUTION and SLANT_RANGE are computed is determined as follows: (1) If all four corners of the image lie on the target-surface, the center of the image is used. (2) Otherwise, if the planet-center is visible, it is used. (3) Otherwise, the margins of the image are scanned at 20-pixel intervals for a point at highest resolution. The algorithm for computing the minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes is an approximation: (1) If the diameter of the target-body (in pixels) is less than the width of the image, it is assumed that the whole disk is visible. (2) If all four corners of the image lie on the target-surface, the minimum and maximum latitudes and longitudes of these are used. (3) Otherwise, the latitude and longitude is computed at 100-pixel intervals over the entire image, and the minimum and maximum of these are used. (4) If either pole is visible, the longitude range is 0-360 degrees. In addition, if the P5-point (center of the image) lies on the target-body, the following Overview fields are updated: C_LAT Geocentric-latitude of P5-point (degrees) C_LON West-longitude of P5-point (degrees) INCIDENCE Incidence angle at P5-point (degrees) PHASE Phase angle at P5-point (degrees) EMISSION Emission angle at P5-point (degrees) Note: In all of the above calculations, the camera pointing from the CK is used to compute latitudes and longitudes or to determine whether a point on the target-body is "visible" in the image (i.e what you see is not necessarily what you get). MISSING FIELDS IN THE SSI OVERVIEW DOMAIN: The following Overview fields are not currently updated by CATSPICE: ASD Angular semi-diameter (missing routines EDLIMB, EL2CGV) HOUR_ANGLE SMEAR_MAGNITUDE Magnitude of camera smear (pixels) PWS MINI-E-KERNEL PROCESSING: The following items are extracted from each PWS mini-E-kernel record: command, activity-ID, SCLK, SCET, waveform receiver mode, antenna switch, antenna mode, calibration, waveform select, and waveform mode. Items telemetry mode, waveform power, and power on/off status are not used. The instrument power status is determined from the PWS commands "23A" and "23AR": (1) If the command is "23A", the power is set to ON and the remainder of the record is ignored. (2) If the command is "23AR", the power is set to OFF and the remainder of the record is ignored. Until one of these two commands is encountered, the power status is indeterminate. CATSPICE assumes that the power is ON at the beginning of the MEK. The initial power status may be specified via the POWER keyword. If the command is "23PWS", the activity-ID, SCLK, SCET, waveform receiver mode, antenna switch, antenna mode, calibration, waveform select, and waveform mode are extracted. If any other command is encountered, the entire record is ignored. A Catalog record is stored the whenever there is a change in instrument status, i.e. whenever one of the above three commands are encountered. For the PWS instrument, the target-body is the central-body, and is determined by the spacecraft clock: Venus: less than 192000.00 Earth: 192000.00 to 1070000.00 Gaspra: 1070000.00 to 1080000.00 Earth: 1080000.00 to ? Jupiter: ? The following fields of the PWS Predict Domain are updated based upon information extracted from the E-kernel: BEGIN_SCLK Beginning spacecraft clock (100*RIM + MOD91) END_SCLK Ending spacecraft clock (100*RIM + MOD91) BEGIN_SCET Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time: YYDDDHHMM END_SCET Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time: YYDDDHHMM B_SCET_YEAR Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time year B_SCET_DAY Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time day-of-year B_SCET_HOUR Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time hours B_SCET_MINUTE Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time minutes B_SCET_SECOND Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time seconds B_SCET_MILLI Beginning Spacecraft-Event-Time milliseconds E_SCET_YEAR Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time year E_SCET_DAY Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time day-of-year E_SCET_HOUR Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time hours E_SCET_MINUTE Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time minutes E_SCET_SECOND Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time seconds E_SCET_MILLI Ending Spacecraft-Event-Time milliseconds ACTIVITY_ID Activity-ID (20 ch aracters) TARGET Target-body name (12 characters) WF_MODE PWS instrument mode WF_SELECT Waveform select (E or B) ANTENNA_SW Antenna switch (E or B) CALIBRATION Calibration (ENA or INH) WF_REC_MODE Waveform receiver mode (ENA or INH) ANTENNA_MODE Antenna mode (CYC or INH) POWER Power (ON or OFF) SPICE_E_ID E-kernel ID (always "N001") In addition, the geometric data in the Predict Domain are updated using the best SPK data available in the Kernel Database (see COMPUTING PWS GEOMETRY DATA below). Finally, predict fields PREDUPD_DAY and PREDUPD_YEAR are updated with the current date. PWS SPK PROCESSING: All entries within the SCET range covered by the SPK are retrieved from the PWS Predict Domain and the geometry data for these frames are updated (see COMPUTING PWS GEOMETRY DATA below). In addition, if the kernel is an SPK or PK, then the following Predict field is updated: SPICE_P_ID P-kernel ID (e.g. N0001) If the kernel is an SPK or SK, then the following Predict field is updated: SPICE_S_ID S-kernel ID (e.g. N0001) Finally, predict fields PREDUPD_DAY and PREDUPD_YEAR are updated with the current date. COMPUTING PWS GEOMETRY DATA PWS geometry data is normally computed using the best SPK data recorded in the Kernel Database. However, if an SPK is input to CATSPICE, that kernel will take precedence over all other kernels in the database. If the SPK data is available for the relevant time period, the following Predict fields of the PWS catalog are updated: SC_CB_RANGE Distance from spacecraft to center of central-body (km) SC_LON Subspacecraft-point west-longitude (degrees) SC_LAT Subspacecraft-point planetocentric latitude (degrees) PHASE_ANGLE Phase angle (degrees) For PWS, the phase angle is defined as the angular separation between the solar vector and the spacecraft vector. These values are computed at the beginning SCLK. Note that if the time interval between beginning and ending SCLK is long, these values may change significantly. MISSING FIELDS IN THE PWS PREDICT DOMAIN: The following fields of the Predict Domain are not currently calculated: ORBIT_NUMBER Orbit number PROGRAM HISTORY: Original Programmmer: S. Tews,Feb 15,1989 Cognizent Programmer: Gary Yagi Source Code: : C Revisions: 12 Nov 90 G.Yagi Modify to new C-kernel format. 15 Nov 90 G.Yagi Fix GET_KDB_ID so new NAIF C-kernels do no take precedence over MIPS C-kernels. 16 Nov 90 G.Yagi Store C-euler angles in degrees rather than radians Suppress all processing of NIMS kernels. Expand help file. 24 Nov 90 G.Yagi Add NUPKDB parameter Change default from 'NOUPDATE to 'UPDATE Prevent creation of duplicate records in KDB__DATA. 29 Nov 90 G. Yagi Fix reading of SSI MEKs (FR 64666). 05 Dec 90 G. Yagi Fix extraction of Target Name (FR 64661). 26 Aug 91 G. Yagi Output SCET at shutter center. 01 Sep 91 G. Yagi Use MIPS C-kernels. 19 Sep 91 G. Yagi Initialize E-kernel data with null values. 18 Dec 91 G. Yagi Test for NCG telemetry format. 10 Feb 92 G. Yagi Rewrite help file. 1 Apr 92 G. Yagi Add SC_LON, SC_LAT, PHASE_ANGLE to PWS Predict domain 21 Oct 92 G. Yagi Added Predict Present flag in SSI Overview domain Parameter INP REQUIRED STRING Filename of input kernel CATSPICE will accept the following types of kernels as input: SSI or PWS mini-E kernels (EK) S-kernels, P-kernels, or SP-kernels (SK,PK,SPK) SSI shutter-centered C-kernels (CK) Parameter KTYPE REQUIRED KEYWORD Type of input kernel Indicates the input kernel type. Valid values are 'EK, 'CK, 'SK, 'PK, and 'SPK. The values 'SK, 'PK, and 'SPK are functionally equivalent and result in identical program operation. Parameter CATALOG Catalog which is to be updated Instrument name for which catalog is to be updated. Valid values are 'SSI, 'PWS, and 'ALL (default). If an EK is input (KTYPE=EK), the keyword 'SSI or 'PWS must be specified to indicate which instrument it applies to. If an SPK is input (KTYPE=SPK), the CATALOGS keyword is optional. Specifying 'SSI or 'PWS will restrict processing to the SSI Overview or PWS Predict domains of the Galileo Catalog. If defaulted, both domains are updated. If a CK is input (KTYPE=CK), the CATALOGS keyword should not be specified. Updating of the SSI Overview Domain is assumed. Parameter LIST OPTIONAL KEYWORD Print summary of overview or predict records Optional keyword causing a summary of each Overview or Predict record processed to be printed. Parameter UPDATE OPTIONAL KEYWORD Update catalog Optional keyword. Specifying 'NOUPDATE suppresses updating of the Galileo Catalog. The default is 'UPDATE. Parameter SCLK OPTIONAL 2 INTEGERS SCLK range Optional 2 integers. Specifies the spacecraft clock range over which processing will be done. The SCLK is specified in the form NNNNNNNNMM where NNNNNNNN is the RIM count and MM is the MOD91 count. Parameter POWER TBD TBD