PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2004-10-1, Initial" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-10-1T00:00:00 NOTE = " softinfo.txt describes the contents of this directory." END_OBJECT = TEXT END key files: src/idl/make_dark.pro Format: make_dark, resolution, exposure_time, output_cube Description: Reads VIS Dark current model files and constructs VIS Dark current cubes. Inputs: resolution ('hi' or 'low'), exposure_time (milliseconds), (reads model from specific directory) Outputs: output_file (cube containing dark data) src/c/cube_prep/cube_prep.c Format: cube_prep input_cube output_cube (swap) Description: Performs various functions on an input cube to prepare it for calibration. This includes swapping bytes, adding header (label) information, translating backplanes, and translating CORE_NULL values from -8192 to -32768. Input: input cube (integer core values), swap flag Output: output cube src/c/cube_prep/bp_trans.c Called by cube_prep, returns pointer to function that translates backplane information. src/c/cube_prep/Makefile makefile for cube_prep src/c/ir_bg/ir_bg.c Format: ir_bg input_cube output_cube Description: For each band in a cube, fit a linear function to the background values contained in the sideplane, add the old background values back into the cube, and subtract the new, fitted, values of background from the cube. Store the new background values back into the sideplane. (This is done only for the IR cube) Input: input cube (integer core values) Output: output cube src/c/ir_bg/fit.c Called by ir_bg, does linear fit to data, returns parameters src/c/ir_bg/error.h Included by ir_bg, Error function code from Numerical Recipes in C src/c/ir_bg/Makefile makefile for ir_bg src/c/ir_bg_sub/ir_bg_sub.c Format: ir_bg_sub input_cube output_cube Description: Subtract the background values which are stored in a sideplane from the data values in the cube. This is used for cubes taken with the compressor off which has the side effect of taking the background values but not subtracting them. (This is done only for the IR cube) Input: input cube (integer core values) Output: output cube src/c/ir_bg_sub/Makefile makefile for ir_bg_sub src/c/mark_saturated/mark_saturated.c Format: mark_saturated input_cube output_cube Description: Add background values back into a cube (temporarily) and check for data values greater then or equal to 4095. These data values are replaced with a value of -32765. Input: input cube (integer core values) Output: output cube src/c/mark_saturated/Makefile makefile for mark_saturated src/perl/vims_cal_pipe.pl Format: vims_cal_pipe cal_instruct Description: This is the main VIMS calibration pipeline and it calls all of the other programs described here. It takes one argument which is a commands file containing keyword=value pairs. Each keyword controls one aspect of the pipeline processing. This commands file is documented in the file DOC/cal_instruct.doc Input: calibration instruction file, files to be calibrated in current directory Output: Calibrated files in current directory src/perl/cal_pipe2/cal_pipe2.pm Called by vims_cal_pipe, this is the main calibration pipeline routine src/perl/cal_pipe2/cal_occultation.pm Called by cal_pipe2, this is the occultation-mode calibration pipeline routine src/perl/cal_pipe2/cal_point.pm Called by cal_pipe2, this is the point-mode calibration pipeline routine src/perl/cal_pipe2/dark_vis.pm Called by cal_pipe2, subtracts the VIS darks made by "make_dark.pro" src/perl/cal_pipe2/flat_ir2.pm Called by cal_pipe2, applies flat field to IR portion of cube src/perl/cal_pipe2/flat_vis2.pm Called by cal_pipe2, applies flat field to VIS portion of cube src/perl/cal_pipe2/isis_geo.pm Called by cal_pipe2, generates separate geometric backplane cubes for VIS and IR and/or splits cube into separate VIS and IR cubes and adds geometric information in backplanes Input: input cube, "with_back", "back_only", "stat" Output: split cubes with backplanes in "geo" subdirectory (if "with_back" set), separate backplane cubes in "geo/data" subdirectory (if "back_only" set), cube statistics file if "stat" is set src/perl/cal_pipe2/solar_remove.pm Called by cal_pipe2, removes solar spectrum from data, produces I/F cube from specific energy cube src/perl/cal_pipe2/specific_energy.pm Called by cal_pipe2, uses VIMS performance model to translate data from Data Numbers to specific energy values. doc/cal_doc General documentation for VIMS calibration pipeline software lib/ppvl_1_10.zip perl Parameter Value Language library (zipped) lib/ppvl_1_10/ perl Parameter Value Language library (not zipped) bin/cube_prep compiled (linux) version of cube_prep.c bin/ir_bg compiled (linux) version of ir_bg.c bin/ir_bg_sub compiled (linux) version of ir_bg_sub.c bin/mark_saturated compiled (linux) version of mark_saturated.c bin/make_dark.sav save file (from IDL) for make_dark.pro