PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 1997-04-18 NOTE = "Notes on using the image index table." END_OBJECT = TEXT END NOTES ON USING THE IMAGE INDEX TABLE These notes describe the contents of the image index table on this DVD-R, index.tab The image index table contains one record for all image files on this DVD-R. The format are used such that they may be read directly into many database management systems on various computers. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks (""). Each record contain 397 bytes of ASCII character data (1 character = 1 byte). Bytes 398 and 399 contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows the table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers. index.lbl The index.lbl file describes the structure and content of the cum index table. The file index.lbl contain labels for index.tab code in the Object Description Language (ODL), providing a formal description of the index table structure. cumindex.tab The image index table contains one record for all image files on this DVD-R and one record for all the records on previous DVD-Rs in this set. The format are used such that they may be read directly into many database management systems on various computers. All fields are separated by commas, and character fields are enclosed in double quotation marks (""). Each record contain 397 bytes of ASCII character data (1 character = 1 byte). Bytes 398 and 399 contain the ASCII carriage return and line feed characters. This allows the table to be treated as a fixed length record file on computers that support this file type and as a normal text file on other computers. cumindex.lbl The cumindex.lbl file describes the structure and content of the cum index table. The file cumindex.lbl contain labels for cumindex.tab code in the Object Description Language (ODL), providing a formal description of the index table structure.