PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Description of the contents of the DOCUMENT directory" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2008-03-14 END_OBJECT = TEXT END CONTENTS OF THE DOCUMENT DIRECTORY The DOCUMENT directory contains documentation and supplementary and ancillary information to assist in understanding and using the data products in this volume. DOCINFO.TXT This file. Identifies and describes the function of each file in or under the DOCUMENT directory. BODPSIS.HTML HTML version of the Burst Ordered Data Products (BODP) Software Interface Specification. BODPSIS.PDF PDF version of the Burst Ordered Data Products (BODP) Software Interface Specification. BODPSIS.LBL Detached label file documenting BODPSIS.PDF, BODPSIS.HTML, BODPSIS_FIG##.GIF, and BODPSIS_FIG##.JPG. BODPSIS_FIG##.GIF GIF versions of selected figures in BODPSIS.HTML, where ## represents a 2-digit number between 01 and 99. BODPSIS_FIG##.JPG JPEG versions of selected figures in BODPSIS.HTML, where ## represents a 2-digit number between 01 and 99. BODPSIS_SIGPAGE.GIF GIF version of signature page of BODP SIS. BIDRSIS.HTML HTML version of the Basic Image Data Record (BIDR) Software Interface Specification. BIDRSIS.PDF PDF version of the Basic Image Data Record (BIDR) Software Interface Specification. BIDRSIS_FIG##.GIF GIF versions of selected figures in BIDRSIS.HTML, where ## represents a 2-digit number between 01 and 99. BIDRSIS_SIGPAGE.GIF GIF version of signature page of BIDR SIS. BIDRSIS.CSS Cascading Style Sheet for the HTML version of the Basic Image Data Record (BIDR) Software Interface Specification. BIDRSIS.LBL Detached label file documenting BIDRSIS.PDF, BIDRSIS.HTML, BIDRSIS.CSS, and BIDRSIS_FIG##.GIF. VOLSIS.HTML HTML version of the Volume Software Interface Specification for Cassini Radar Instrument Team Data Products. VOLSIS.PDF PDF version of the Volume Software Interface Specification for Cassini Radar Instrument Team Data Products. VOLSIS.CSS Cascading Style Sheet for the HTML version of the Volume Software Interface Specification for Cassini Radar Instrument Team Data Products. VOLSIS.LBL Detached label file documenting VOLSIS.PDF, VOLSIS.HTML, and VOLSIS.CSS. VOLSIS_SIGPAGE.GIF GIF version of signature page of Volume SIS.