About ~ PDS Imaging Node Planetary Image Atlas |
Future Enhancements
- Inclusion of multiple datasets from many different missions.
- Capability of searching across databases from different datasets
and missions.
- Implementation of a front-end interface permitting selection of
data from various missions, spacecraft, and targets.
- Development of gas giants interface.
- Provision of more sophisticated image processing capabilities.
- Integration of data from other missions (Viking, Mars
Pathfinder, Magellan, Clementine, Galileo, Voyager, and Mariner 9).
Known Bugs & Problems
- There are some browser instabilities associated with the
JAVA-based utilities. This includes problems with the "Back" button.
- Searches across the prime meridian in the map interface do not work.
- In the map interface, the "Details" button currently has no function.
- The new capability to create a Database Report directly from the
Query Page is not yet implemented.
- Searches from the "Features" tab on the Query Page do not yet work.
- The "List/Download Data" option on the Query page is resulting in
a list of images that is short by one.
- On the "genReport" page, the "DATA_SET_ID" title is not being
displayed over the first column. This results in all the other column
headings being offset by one.
- The JAVA scrolling windows have a thin bar of data across the top
that doesn't scroll with the image.
- Moving from the Search Results page to the Browse page causes the
map interface to disappear.
- When a checkbox is selected on the Search Results page, and then
a thumbnail image is clicked (ie., without clicking on the SUBMIT or
LIST buttons), the image selection isn't retained.
- The TIFF output format from the Browse page isn't working.
- For large MGS images, the GIF and JPEG images can't be displayed
inline due to web browser limitations.
Version 4.0 Alpha (Planetary Image Atlas)
- Prototyped on Mars Global Surveyor MOC data
- Multimission software has been utilized throughout the Atlas.
- The JAVA-based map interface has been updated to include a
menubar across the top, and lat/long references within the map
window. Many previous bugs have also been fixed.
- JAVA-based scrollable image windows have been introduced to
accomodate the long, narrow MGS MOC images.
- A generic (multimission) order system has been utilized.
- The Atlas has been partially integrated with USGS mapmaker capability.
- Capable of downloading labels and data files from remote sites.
- Database capabilities expanded to interface with Oracle database
(as well as previously used Sybase database).
Version 3.1 Alpha (Planetary Image Atlas)
- Prototyped on Galileo SSI and NIMS data
- New "look and feel" utilizing designs by a computer graphic artist.
Version 3.0 (Planetary Image Atlas)
- Prototyped on Mars Pathfinder data
- Active mission support in formal operations mode.
- JAVA-based map interface. Map displayed in external window.
Multiple map projections available. Ability to scribe out area
of interest with cursor. Automated updating of
azimuth and elevation values with cursor movement.
- Furthered implementation of generic approach in catalog searching
- Provision of alternative options for result of catalog search:
FEI command list, viewing of SQL query, production of
user-specified mosaics, application of camera correction model to
resulting images.
- Added security features to protect active mission data.
- Added interface with PDS NAIF Node's "Experimentor's Notebook".
- Use of FEI for secured downloading of mission data.
Version 2.1 Alpha (Mars Navigator Prototype)
- Ability to combine visual and topographic data in a VRML-rendered
Version 2.0x (Mars Geoscience Navigator)
(Note that this version was built by the PDS Geosciences Node. These
implementations and developments were not continued in later versions
of the Planetary Image Atlas.)
- Code rewritten using JAVAScript rather than Perl.
- New "look and feel".
- JAVA-based map interface. Ability to scribe out area of interest
with cursor. Choice of shaded relief, topographic, or geologic
base maps.
Version 2.0 Alpha (Mars Navigator Prototype)
- Initial implementation of more generic approach in Navigator,
providing access to combined Viking Orbiter EDR and MDIM
- Choice of color MDIM or geologic base map.
- Corrected handling of "selected" images on Search Results page.
Provided capability to "deselect" all images.
Version 1.0 (PDS Clementine Navigator)
- Mosaic (HTML 2.0) compatibility.
- Searching based on data quality; default exclusion of poorest
quality data.
- Sorting of search results to reduce time required to load
thumbnail images from jukebox.
- Notification of relevant system administrator upon failure
to retrieve images.
- Very slow loading of thumbnail images; this can be prohibitive in
browsers which need to load all images before displaying an HTML
- Incorrect handling of latitude values near poles.
Version 1.0 beta (PDS Clementine Navigator Prototype)
- Feature search capability added to catalog pages.
- Ambiguous handling of single vs. range values on catalog pages
Version 1.0 alpha (PDS Clementine Navigator Prototype)
- Specific to Clementine EDR dataset only.
- Map-, form-, and text-based searches of image catalog.
- HTML-based rotating globe of planet used as image map.
- Selection of camera and filter for "Quick" search.
- Selection of large number of criteria for "Detailed" search.
- Searches performed on Sybase database.
- Display of up to ten thumbnail images and brief
statistics on search results page.
- Linking to PDS Central Node Data Dictionary from keywords
throughout the system.
- Production of catalog reports for all fields in the
- Display of up to ten browse images on a single page.
- Display of a single browse image and detailed information
about it on browse page.
- Ability to stretch image on browse page.
- Downloading of image in PDS uncompressed, GIF, TIFF, and raw
formats from browse page.
- Display of original PDS label from browse page.
- Ordering of images in PDS compressed and uncompressed,
GIF, TIFF, and raw formats via ftp or CD-ROM.
Version 0.3 (Viking Lander Image Browser)
- Searches performed on ASCII table able to return multiple
- Display of thumbnail images and brief statistics on search
results page.
- Production of catalog reports for a few fields.
- Display of original VICAR label from browse page.
Version 0.2 (Magellan Image Browser)
- Specific to Magellan MIDRs only.
- Map-, and primitive form-based searches for data from anywhere on
the surface of Venus.
- Searches performed on ASCII table.
- Display of a single browse image returned from search.
- Downloading of image in FITS, GIF, JPEG, PICT, TIFF, and VICAR
formats from browse page.
- Images downloaded from multiple CD-ROMs stored in jukeboxes.
- Manual switching between alternate download sites.
Version 0.1 (Magellan Image Display Tool)
- Specific to Magellan MIDRs only.
- Assembly and display of images from a single CD-ROM in a
geographical arrangement.
- "Point and click" selection of images for downloading.
Sponsors & Credits
The development of the Planetary Image Atlas has been possible through
the collaborative efforts of the following organizations and
- Solar System Visualization Task
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA)
- Eric DeJong
- Steve Levoe
- Myche McAuley
PDS Atmospheres Node
(New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM)
- Reta Beebe
- Lyle Huber
PDS Engineering Node
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA)
- Dan Crichton
- Steve Hughes
- Sean Hardman
- Emily Law
- Elizabeth Rye
- Betty Sword
- Steven Adams
- Colleen Schroeder
PDS Geosciences Node
(Washington University, St. Louis, MO)
- Ray Arvidson
- Ed Guinness
- Susan Slavney
- Tom Stein
PDS Imaging Node
(US Geological Survey, Flagstaff, AZ)
- Eric Eliason
- Patty Garcia
- David Larsen
- Cedar Milazzo
- Robert Waltz
PDS Imaging Node
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA)
- Susan LaVoie
- Karen Boggs
- Elizabeth Duxbury
- Fiel Valdez
- Pam Woncik
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA)
- Chuck Acton
- Nat Bachman
- Lee Olson
- Boris Semenov
- Ed Wright
Image Use Policy
The data contained in the Planetary Image Atlas is covered by the
Caltech/JPL Image Use Policy, which is available here: